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FERTILIZATION. Surface application Applied over top of soil Beneath canopy.

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2 Surface application Applied over top of soil Beneath canopy

3 Surface application Advantage Easy to apply

4 Surface application Disadvantage Volatilization Runoff Turfgrass competition

5 Subsurface application Drill-hole method Advantage Get below turf or other competing roots Aerate root zone

6 Subsurface application Drill-hole method Disadvantage Time consuming

7 Subsurface application Drill-hole method Drill holes 2 to 4 inches in diameter

8 Subsurface application Drill-hole method 12 to 36 inches apart

9 Subsurface application Drill-hole method Extend holes within the drip line

10 Subsurface application Drill-hole method Fill holes with fertilizer/mulch/compost mix

11 Subsurface application Fertilizer spikes Convenient and fast Root burn High salt concentration

12 Subsurface application Liquid injection with soluble fertilizer

13 Foliar application Micronutrients Limited effectiveness

14 Implants and Injections Micronutrient injected into xylem Most effective on actively transpiring trees Every other year preferred to limit wounding

15 Palms Potassium Most common Most serious nutrient deficiency Older foliage first Margin burn Midrib remains green

16 Palms Potassium translocated from old to new foliage Old foliage first to show symptoms New foliage eventually stunted and necrotic Deficient foliage never recovers

17 Palms Magnesium Similar to potassium Magnesium rarely fatal Old leaves Margin burn Midrib stays green

18 Palms Manganese Symptoms only on new foliage Frizzletop disease Common in alkaline soils



21 Boron Toxicity Boron accumulates from guttation Exudation from plant Salt burn

22 Boron Toxicity Mt. Pleasant aquifer Sago palm Magnolia

23 Palms Light application 3 to 4 months after transplanting Regular fertilization after new growth appears

24 Palms 2 to 4 pounds of palm fertilizer 1 to 3 pounds palms under 8’ tall 4x a year Broadcast over soil Some palm specialists prefer spikes

25 Fertilizing Trees Fertilizing tree done for the following reasons Correct deficiency Newly established trees Not when trees are planted 1 pound of nitrogen per 1000 square feet Twice a year 3 years

26 Mycorrhizae Beneficial fungi Ectomycorrhizae Spreads through soil Primarily conifers and oaks Interconnects forest trees

27 Mycorrhizae Beneficial fungi Endomycorrhizae More common Trees, turf, flowers Not as extensive

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