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M UTATIONS. Remember: Before RNA can be transcribed, the two strands of DNA must first __________ between the ______________. Quick ReviewQuick Review.

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Presentation on theme: "M UTATIONS. Remember: Before RNA can be transcribed, the two strands of DNA must first __________ between the ______________. Quick ReviewQuick Review."— Presentation transcript:


2 Remember: Before RNA can be transcribed, the two strands of DNA must first __________ between the ______________. Quick ReviewQuick Review nitrogen bases separate

3 The 4 nitrogen bases in RNA are: A U G C AdenineUracilGuanineCytosine The 4 nitrogen bases in DNA are: A T G C AdenineThymineGuanineCytosine

4 Q: What are the 3 types of RNA? messenger RNA (mRNA) transfer RNA (tRNA) ribosomal RNA (rRNA) Quick ReviewQuick Review

5 Remember: All living things contain genetic material in the form of ________. DNA DNA stands for ________________ _____. D NA deoxyribonucleic acid A nucleic acid is a long chain of ____________. nucleotides

6 DNA contains the instructions for making all of the _________ within a cell. proteins

7 Inside of the cell’s nucleus, the DNA is wound and wound into very large and complex units of DNA known as ______________. chromosomes

8 DNARNAproteins T HE C ENTRAL D OGMA transcriptiontranslation

9 Write a 2-word sentence describing what happened to the DNA sequence shown: __________ It changed!

10 The information for making proteins is carried in the _________ of the _______________. The order of the bases is what makes the difference! sequence nitrogen bases

11 Whenever there is any change to a DNA sequence, it is called a __________. mutation

12 This change can be large, like an entire chromosome breaking, or it can be small, like the single change shown above. The size of the change does not matter.

13 Q: If mutations are just a change to the DNA, can they sometimes be good thing? A: _____________________________ _______________________________ Yes, change can be good so mutations can be good.

14 How mutations occur: Natural mutations occur when an organism ___________ or _________ DNA incorrectly, but these occurrences are very rare. Mutations can be induced by either ____________ or high energy __________. Anything that causes a mutation to an organism’s DNA is referred to as a __________. reproduces repairs chemicals radiation mutagen

15 Q: Which forms of radiation can be harmful to an organism’s DNA? A: __________________________________________________ Ultraviolet, x-rays and gamma rays can all damage DNA. Thymine dimer induced by UV light.

16 There are three types of mutations that you should be familiar with: insertions, deletions and point mutations. Below is a strand of DNA and 3 mutated versions of that strand. Decide which strand is the insertion, which is the deletion and which is the point mutation. point mutation insertion deletion

17 Interpreting Mutations: You must understand that a change to the DNA will first cause a change to the _______. And a change to the RNA may result in a change to the ________ it describes. RNA protein

18 Gamete cells are the cell that are used to make offspring. Males produce gamete cells known as ___________ and females produce gamete cells known as an ________ or _______. sperm ovumegg

19 Important Fact: Only mutations that occur in a _________ cell can be passed on to offspring when an organism reproduces sexually. gamete

20 In order to interpret how a mutation will affect an organism, the change to the sequence of ________ acids in the proteins must be determined. This means that you must translate the mRNA strand from before and after the mutation. amino

21 1. The chain above represents three codons. Which of the following changes would be expected in the amino acid chain if the mutation shown above occurred? A The amino acid sequence would be shorter than expected. B The identity of one amino acid would change. C The amino acid sequence would remain unchanged. D The identities of more than one amino acid would change. 5’ CCGUUGACC 3’  5’ CCGUAGACC 3’ Using your codon chart, determine how the following mutations would affect the resulting protein. proline – leucine – threonineproline – stop

22 2. The chain above represents three codons. Which of the following changes would be expected in the amino acid chain if the mutation shown above occurred? F The amino acid sequence would be shorter than expected. G The identity of one amino acid would change. H The amino acid sequence would remain unchanged. J The identities of more than one amino acid would change. 5’ ACGGCAUUU 3’  5’ ACGGCGUUU 3’ Using your codon chart, determine how the following mutations would affect the resulting protein. threonine – alanine - phenylalanine

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