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Cuneacerebellar Rostrocerebellar Reticolocerebellar Rubrocerebellar Input pathways to the cerebellum.

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3 Cuneacerebellar Rostrocerebellar Reticolocerebellar Rubrocerebellar Input pathways to the cerebellum


5 Corticorubrospinal pathway for motor control, showing also the relation of this pathway to the cerebellum.

6 Cerebral and cerebellar control of voluntary movements, involving especially the intermediate zone of the cerebellum.


8 Purkinje cells respond to CF inputs with a massive, all-or-none ‘complex spike’ Weber et al., PNAS 2003


10 Cerebellar disease Dysmetria & Ataxia (inaccuracy in rang & direction) Dysdiadochokinesi Intention or action tremor (terminal tremor or voluntary tremor) Hypotonia Dysarthria

11 Initiation and control of voluntary movement

12 All regions of cerebral cortex project to the basal ganglia, but output of basal ganglia is directed towards the frontal lobe, particularly pre-motor and supplementary motor cortex

13 Caudate circuit through the basal ganglia for cognitive planning of sequential and parallel motor patterns to achieve specific conscious goals.

14 Putamen circuit through the basal ganglia for subconscious execution of learned patterns of movement.

15 Direct vs indirect pathways From Graybiel, A. Neural Networks, Am J Psychiatry 158:21, January 2001 Direct Indirect Both


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