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Presentation on theme: "HRM PROCESS AND LATE CAREER MANAGEMENT KHUM RAJ PUNJALI."— Presentation transcript:



3 Overview of the presentation 3  Concept of human resource management  Human resource management process  Some Issues in HRM

4 Concept of human resource management 4  In a simple manner, human resource management is the management of human resources in any organization.  In the other words, human resource management is the process an organization undergoes to manage people to achieve its goals.

5 Concept.. 5  Human resource management is a process of procuring, developing and maintaining competent human resources in the organization so that the goals of an organization are achieved in an efficient and effective manner.  HRM is an art of managing people at work in such a manner that they give their best to the organization for achieving its set goals.

6 Concept.. 6  Normally, HRM covers the following areas:  job design and job analysis,  workforce planning,  recruitment and selection,  training and development,  performance management,  compensation and separation.

7 HRM process 7  HRM processes refer to the firm, specific and dynamic routines by which a firm attracts, socializes, trains, motivates, evaluates, compensates and retires its human resources.

8 HRM.. 8 Therefore, the HRM process consists of:  Acquisition:  Recruitment  Selection  Socialization  Development:  Analyzing HRD needs  Training  Management Development  Career Development

9 HRM.. 9  Utilization:  Motivation  Performance management  Compensation management  Maintenance:  L abour relations  Employee welfare  Retirement Plan  Designing and implementing plans

10 HRM.. 10  Post retirement plan

11 Some issues in HRM 11  Poor forecasting and planning system,  Lack of consistency in selection system,  Biased placement system,  Poor TNA,  Routine training programs,  Management development programs lack priority,  In adequate Performance management system,

12 Some.. 12  Unpredictable promotion system,  Discriminatory incentive system,  Issue of retirement age.


14 Presentation Outline 14  Introduction  Career Stages  Career plateau  Late career  What to do during late career?  Start thinking few year before  What are the things you should not do in your late career?

15 Contd.. 15  Consider public servant-citizen relation  How people approach retirement  Final words  Nepalese context  Conclusion

16 Introduction: 16  When we join the job it is sure that we will be retiring one day.  But the reality is that, normally, we don't think about our retirement.  Most of us even don't think that we are at our late career stage.  But these are the realities of our life, therefore if we plan about these two moments, our late career and retired life will be more comfortable and enjoyable.

17 Career Stages 17  Identifiable periods in one's work life which are distinguished by one's changing activities, concerns, motives and needs.  But the career of a person does not travel in a straight line.

18 Career stages.. 18  Normally, there are five stages in a person's career:  Preparation for a work up to 25, time of exploring career options.  Organizational entry 25-35, entering and exploring opportunities.  Early career 35-45, establishing oneself professionally.

19 Career stages.. 19  Mid-career 45-55, gaining experience from different fields and geographical regions.  Late career 55-Retirement, time for preparing for retirement.  But late career stage depends upon the retirement age.  In our Nepalese case the stages are based on the nature of services, e.g. security agencies and universities and health sector.

20 Career Plateau 20  High point in one's career where the probability of a person's progress is low or almost zero.  This stage is little frustrating for a person as he perceives that he won't get any promotion after this stage.  But this is not always true, as there are chances that even at the last moment of retirement of a person, there is a chance of his or her progress.

21 Late career 21  This is a time few year before the retirement.  A pleasant time to relax a bit.  A time when you enjoy the respect given to you by younger employees and peers.  Time when you can teach others on the basis of the knowledge you have gained.  Time to look forward to retirement and the opportunities of doing something different.

22 Late.. 22  In this stage an employee can get a promotion.  Has experience of working different geographic regions and ministries.  Most of the family responsibilities have been completed.  Thinks about his late career and retirement life.  Also thinks whether there is a chance of changing retirement age.

23 What to do during late career? 23  Learning new skills (driving / computer proficiency / learning new language)  Finishing ongoing projects: Official or Personal  Finding out the administrative policies affecting you (example: deputation, pension, health benefits, etc.)  Financial management  Planning for retirement  Opportunity to teach newcomers

24 Start thinking few year before 24  If you want to work as a consultant, asses your skill.  If you need additional training, you can explore it.  If you want to run a business, study carefully which one is most appropriate for you, but do not forget to consult with your spouse.  If you want to be associated with a NGA or INGO, be careful about your present position and the social prestige it may affect.

25 Start.. 25  Try to find out which work or office is best for you during your late career.  Try to find out such job which can help your retired life.  Try to establish a network of your colleagues which will be supportive for you after your retirement.  Maintain friendly relations with those colleagues.  If you are working with an expatriate, try to learn from him which will be helpful in the future.

26 Start.. 26  Start making circle in your society and involve yourself in a social work.  If you are interested you can involve as a volunteer and allocate some particular time for it.  Take care of your health, find out a doctor, who will be your friend also.  Be careful on food.  You can also involve in a spiritual activity.  Allocate more time for your relatives.

27 What are the things you should not do? 27  Do not take any stress about your late career.  Do not tell many people about your retirement date.  Do not try to take extra benefit from your job thinking that you are retiring in few years.  Do not ask for a lucrative posting in favor of your retiring.  Do not avoid decisions you are supposed to make.

28 What.. 28  Dot not make any unnecessary decisions considering your retirement.  Do not make decisions without studying carefully, if you are representing in a board on behalf of the government.  If you still have a chance of promotion in this stage, do not do anything which can hamper your promotion.  Do not favor anyone thinking that he/she will favor you during your retired life.

29 Consider public servant-citizen relation 29  Now, you are a civil servant, also a citizen,  But, State Official may not always be a Citizen.  Important transition to late career is returning to a life as a citizen.  This transition, though a challenge, can be a very rewarding experience.

30 How people approach retirement 30 Counseling psychologist (Dr.) Nancy K. Schlossberg, identified the following ways in which people approach retirement:  Continuers who continue using existing skills and interests  Adventurers who start entirely new endeavors  Searchers who explore new options through trial and error

31 How.. 31  Easy Gliders who enjoy unscheduled time letting each day unfold  Involved Spectators who care deeply about issues around them, but engage in less active ways  Retreaters who disengage from life Have a look of these points whether these are useful for you

32 Final words 32  The process of dealing with the questions of what to do next in life is similar to what you may have asked yourself when you finished high school or college.  If you feel overwhelmed about the future, remember you have dealt with transitions all through your life.

33 Final.. 33  Who Am I (rather than What Am I)  Living Without Applause  What Gives Meaning To My Life  What To Do With My Time

34 Therefore, Remember! 34 Late career is a time to explore yourself and your world:  to rediscover or uncover your passions,  to create options, and  to make this time of your life the best it can be.

35 Nepalese Context 35  External forces play vital role in a career of an employee  As life expectancy is increasing, retirement age could be changed, which will also affect late career stage

36 k|zf;g ;'wf/ ;'emfa ;ldltsf] k|ltj]bg @)&) df ePsf] Joj:yf 36 !_ nfdf] ;do ;/sf/L lhDd]jf/Ldf /x]sf sd{rf/Lx¿n] cjsfzkl5 klg dxTjk"0f{ ;fdflhs tyf ljsf;fTds sfddf of]ubfg lbg ;S5g\. @_ dxTjk"0f{ 1fg, ;Lk, bIftf Pjd\ cg'ej ePsfx? ;]jf lgj[Q kl5 klg dfu{bz{s e"ldsfdf ;/sf/sf] ;Nnfxsf/sf] e"ldsfdf /xg ;S5g\. #_ ;/sf/sf k|ltlglwsf] ¿kdf ;fdflhs ;r]tgfsf sfo{qmddf lqmofzLntf b]vfpg ;S5g\. $_ To;}n] cjsfz x'g'k"j{ g} cjsfz kl5sf] hLjgsf] lqmofzLntfsf nflu cfjZos ;Lk / 1fgsf] ljt/0f ug'{kg{] b]lvG5.

37 Conclusion 37  Late career stage is one of the stages in our career.  Therefore it is a natural process.  Do not take it as a serious phenomenon.  Give little time for it and make plans for the future and your retirement.  When you retire your importance is associated with your present personality, not by the position you had.

38 Conclusion.. 38  Therefore, don not be very stressful if you don't get enough promotion in your life,  Be relaxed and prepare for the future.

39 39 Thank you for your attention


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