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KENNEDY AND THE COLD WAR: TEXT WORK. MAIN IDEA: OBJECTIVE 1 The presidential election of 1960 which was one of the closest in the history of the U.S.

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Presentation on theme: "KENNEDY AND THE COLD WAR: TEXT WORK. MAIN IDEA: OBJECTIVE 1 The presidential election of 1960 which was one of the closest in the history of the U.S."— Presentation transcript:


2 MAIN IDEA: OBJECTIVE 1 The presidential election of 1960 which was one of the closest in the history of the U.S. pitted a young untested Democratic senator John F. Kennedy against President Eisenhower’s two- term vice president, Richard M. Nixon. Although similar on policy issues, the two candidates presented vastly different images to the public. Due to Kennedy’s pose and photogenic looks, along with his progressive views on civil rights, he won just enough support to overcome the major questions about his lack of experience.

3 SUPPORT qLSRw&feature=related qLSRw&feature=related WYlew&feature=relmfu WYlew&feature=relmfu Public found Kennedy promoted confidence, intelligence and empathy for the common man

4 MAIN IDEA #2 Even before Kennedy became president Cuba had become a major foreign policy issue of the Cold War. The revolutionary leader Fidel Castro had overthrown a corrupt dictator, but in the process had nationalized American companies in Cuba and had allied Cuba with the Soviet Union. Kennedy seeking to prove himself tough on communism, ordered the poorly executed and disastrous Bay of Pigs operation. Hardly one year later, the U.S. and U.S.S.R. came shockingly close to nuclear war over the placement of nuclear missile sites in Cuba. Total destruction was avoid by the Soviet’s decision to back-down at the last minute.

5 Support BAY OF PIGS U.S. support for dictator Batista Part of the drama of the Cold War WXUm4 WXUm4 Bay of Pigs is still a “rallying call” for Cuba C5ZM4 C5ZM4

6 CONSEQUENCES Kennedy relied less on CIA and military Hurt reputation in Latin America Understood that proxy wars would not ultimately work Learned not to relied on a small number people for information Cuba moved squarely into the Soviet camp Major rallying cry for communism

7 CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS Soviets are convinced that U.S. would attempt to invade Cuba and that Kennedy was weak related related Power of the weapons Photos of government htm htm That CLOSE!!

8 Consequences of Cuban Missile Crisis Represents misjudgment and lack of communication Missiles out of Cuba and Turkey Treaty on nuclear tests Cuba remained communist Arms race continued

9 MAIN IDEA #3 While wrestling with the dangerous complexities of Cuba, President Kennedy was faced with the Berlin Crisis (1961) in which the Soviets were threatening to isolate West Berlin by closing off all access to the city. Due to the United States’ superior nuclear power and Kennedy’s resolve, a more serious confrontation was avoided. Yet the Soviets attempted to permanently separate East and West Berlin by constructing the Berlin Wall: a symbol of the isolation and raw power of the communist rule.

10 BERLIN WALL Y&feature=related Y&feature=related Rise and fall of wall &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related e.htm e.htm

11 CONSEQUENCES Solidified Cold War Became symbol of C.W.

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