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1 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Quick LaTeX Tutorial.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Quick LaTeX Tutorial."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Quick LaTeX Tutorial

2 2 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño LaTeX Tutorial Why do you want to learn LaTeX? Nuts and Bolts of LaTex Examples

3 3 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Why you want to learn LaTeX Powerful control of document creation –particularly large technical documents Minimizes the drudgery –formatting, numbering, and referencing Disadvantage: –Steep Learning Curve

4 4 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño LaTeX Platforms Scientific Workplace –(Commercial Package) UNIX Systems (LyX) –(Free) MikTex and WinEdt –PC Shareware –Needs wmf2eps –ghostview

5 5 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño LaTeX Resources The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX 2e –(Tobias Oetiker) Math Into LaTeX –(George Gratzer) Learning LaTeX –(Griffiths & Higham) A Guide to LaTeX –(Kopka & Daly)

6 6 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño The LaTeX Process 1.Create a text file (with your favorite text editor) with LaTeX commands 2.“Compile” or “Build” your document using the LaTeX program 3.Display resulting Document 4.Continue writing and go to 1 until finished 5.Convert Document to Postscript or PDF

7 7 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Flow of LaTeX Process

8 8 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Source code of your first LaTeX document (fish.tex) \documentclass{article} \begin{document} My mother is a fish. \end{document}

9 9 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Commands to Build and View Document To use xdvi viewer % latex fish.tex … % xdvi fish.dvi To use acroread % pdflatex fish.tex … % acroread fish.pdf

10 10 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño

11 11 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Emphasizing words (fish.tex) \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \emph{My mother} is a fish. \end{document}

12 12 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño

13 13 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Underlining words (fish.tex) \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \emph{My mother} is a \underline{fish}. \end{document}

14 14 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño

15 15 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Other font modification commands Bold face \textbf{} Teletype or typewriter face \texttt{} Italic face \textit{}

16 16 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Making references in LaTeX (fish.tex) \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \emph{My mother} is a \underline{fish} \cite{WF}. \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{WF} William Falkner, \emph{As I Lay Dying} \end{thebibliography} \end{document}

17 17 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Need to compile the document twice Using symbolic references requires second pass –\cite{WF} The second pass will resolve references

18 18 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño

19 19 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Sum Equation Example (sum.tex) \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \begin{equation} \label{E:sum} s = \sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i} \end{equation} \end{document}

20 20 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño

21 21 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Sum of Squares Equation Example (sum_squares.tex) \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \begin{equation} \label{E:sum_squares} s2 = \sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i}^{2} \end{equation} \end{document}

22 22 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño

23 23 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Mean Equation Example (mean.tex) \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \begin{equation} \label{E:mean} \bar{x} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i}} {n} \end{equation} \end{document}

24 24 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño

25 25 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Mean Equation Example with limits (mean_limits.tex) \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \begin{equation} \label{E:mean} \bar{x} = \frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} x_{i}} {n} \end{equation} \end{document}

26 26 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño

27 27 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Variance Equation Example (variance.tex) \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \begin{equation} \label{E:variance} \sigma^{2} = \frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} \left(x_{i} - \bar{x}\right)^{2}} {n-1} \end{equation} \end{document}

28 28 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño

29 29 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Standard Deviation Equation Example (sd.tex) \documentclass{report} \begin{document} \chapter{Standard Deviation} \begin{equation} \label{E:sd} \sigma = \sqrt{\frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} \left(x_{i} - \bar{x}\right)^{2}} {n-1}} \end{equation} \end{document}

30 30 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño

31 31 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Changing the document styles \documentclass{article} \documentclass{book} \documentclass{letter} \documentclass{report}

32 32 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Report document style (main.tex) \documentclass{report} \title{Assignment 2 for SIMG726} \author{Rolando V. Raque\~no} \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents \end{document}

33 33 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño

34 34 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Create the following chapters chapter_sum.tex chapter_mean.tex chapter_sd.tex

35 35 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño chapter_mean.tex \chapter{Mean} \label{C:Mean} \begin{equation} \label{E:mean} \bar{x} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i}} {n} \end{equation}

36 36 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño chapter_sum.tex \chapter{Sum} \label{C:Sum} \begin{equation} \label{E:sum} s = \sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i} \end{equation}

37 37 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño chapter_sd.tex \chapter{Standard Deviation} \label{C:SD} \begin{equation} \label{E:sd} \sigma = \sqrt{\frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} \left(x_{i} - \bar{x}\right)^{2}} {n-1}} \end{equation}

38 38 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Modify main.tex to include chapters \documentclass{report} \title{Assignment 2 for SIMG726} \author{Rolando V. Raque\~no} \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents \include{chapter_sum} \include{chapter_mean} \include{chapter_sd} \end{document}

39 39 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño

40 40 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Modify chapter_sd.tex \chapter{Standard Deviation} \label{C:SD} … \end{equation} We can see that equation \ref{E:sd} uses equation \ref{E:mean} to compute the mean and that the \emph{Mean} function uses equation \ref{E:sum} both of which are defined in Chapter \ref{C:Sum} and \ref{C:Mean}, respectively

41 41 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño

42 42 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Modify main.tex to include chapters \documentclass{report} \title{Assignment 2 for SIMG726} \author{Rolando V. Raque\~no} \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents \include{chapter_mean} \include{chapter_sum} \include{chapter_sd} \end{document}

43 43 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño

44 44 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Including image graphics into you LaTeX document Need to convert your image graphics into EPS (encapsulated postscript). –For images, use pnmtops, e.g. % pnmtops MyCat.pgm > Need to include an extension package to LaTeX called “graphicx” using command \usepackage{graphicx} N.B. In CIS systems, following example works for latex but not for pdflatex

45 45 Winter Quarter 2003Rolando V. Raqueño Image Graphics Example (image.tex) \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} \begin{figure} \includegraphics{} \caption{This is My Cat} \label{F:MyCat} \end{figure} \end{document}

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