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Health and Care Review Julian Herbert Accountable Officer for Ipswich and East Suffolk CCG and West Suffolk CCG Cathy Craig Assistant Director for Social.

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Presentation on theme: "Health and Care Review Julian Herbert Accountable Officer for Ipswich and East Suffolk CCG and West Suffolk CCG Cathy Craig Assistant Director for Social."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health and Care Review Julian Herbert Accountable Officer for Ipswich and East Suffolk CCG and West Suffolk CCG Cathy Craig Assistant Director for Social Work Services 1

2 The challenge What could integrated community health and social care look like in Suffolk? How would this work better for people whilst helping our organisations manage their cost pressures? How do we put our customers and communities at the heart of the design and not our organisations? Increase in population, age of population and proportion with long-term conditions. Ill health happens at any time of day or night. Contracts for three major services in Suffolk, Community Health Services, NHS 111 and Out of Hours urgent GP services, expire in 2015. 2

3 People in Suffolk, regardless of age and disability, tell us they want to have … a social life my own place a life, not an illness the ability to get about control and choices around my physical and mental health a job good, clear information about where I can get help in what circumstances the options available to me timely, person-centred care to help me get back to my life and independence 3

4 4

5 Urgent Care model 5

6 What will this mean in reality? Now Mrs Watling has come out of hospital following a hip operation. She is 86 years old, lives alone and has diabetes and arthritis. She also struggles with continence. She gets visits from health and care professionals separately who each ask her the same questions. When something goes wrong with her care, she is not sure who to phone: the council or the GP surgery. Mrs Watling is not sure what to expect and when she will be able to be up and about again. She likes going to the local shops and to a coffee group in her village hall, but she doesn’t think anyone she knows locally has realised that she has gone into hospital. In the future Mrs Watling will have one named co- ordinator for her care. There will be one single plan that she and the professionals working with her can see. Her co-ordinator will make sure that Mrs Watling: has the care and support she needs to make the a full recovery, and to manage her other health conditions at the same time. is linked back into her social activities and will find out what support there is in the community to help her to do this. has the co-ordinator’s phone number so that she can ring if there are any problems with her care. 6

7 What we have heard Where we have heard it Town Talk Village Voices event – a GP and officer to each of 10 locations such as Crown Pool and the Morrisons at Felixstowe Suffolk Showground event for grass routes general practitioners from East Suffolk Ickworth Hall inviting GPs Patient Revolution event for 170 people in June 2014 Various engagement events, including Indian Mela, Suffolk Pride, Suffolk Show, specific town visits Healthwatch Suffolk are holding the report, producing themes of what people have said to help shape our future integrated health and care system What has been said to date Urgent care is what is perceived by the patient, customer or carer. For many people, how to access urgent care is not particularly clear. Community response to urgent care problems needs to be more integrated People understand that A&E departments are for true emergencies, but more could be done to protect them from other kinds of cases The expiry of the three key NHS contracts is an opportunity for the health and social care system to think radically about the shape of future services. 7

8 DateKey Milestones February 2014Clinical commissioner work on development of strategic commissioning intentions including consideration of the reports from stakeholder events March-April 2014Initial design of outline service model May 2014Receipt and approval of outline service model by statutory bodies June-August 2014Formal public engagement, now taking place Further system work on the detailed service specification including financial modelling August-September 2014Evaluation of responses September 2014Formal approval of service specification and agreement to start procurement by statutory bodies October 2014-February 2015Formal procurement and evaluation of bids March 2015Statutory bodies approve letting of contract(s) April-September 2015Mobilisation of new contract 8

9 Key questions from the committee Seven day services, supporting discharge and preventing admissions at weekends Joint approach to assessments and care planning and the role of the accountable professional The impact of changes in the acute sector Urgent care What progress has been made in developing the service model for urgent care? What are the next steps for commissioning urgent care services? Data and information sharing 9

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