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AMAL ALMASMARY 8-D Bullying should not be considered a crime Every seven seconds, a person is bullied, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7……

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Presentation on theme: "AMAL ALMASMARY 8-D Bullying should not be considered a crime Every seven seconds, a person is bullied, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7……"— Presentation transcript:

1 AMAL ALMASMARY 8-D Bullying should not be considered a crime Every seven seconds, a person is bullied, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7……

2 Be a Buddy, not a Bully!! Bullying is word heard everyday. At school, in the streets, or even at work. Most people think that bullying should not be considered a crime, while others think that it should. Bullying is getting more common everyday, and it needs to be stopped, because people are getting hurt.

3 No, it shouldn’t be a crime Do you really think it’s right to call someone a name? Probably not, you wouldn't want to go to jail for something as simple as a name. I don’t think it should be a crime because it happens nearly everyday, and people usually don’t mean it, and it’s really not worth being arrested for, because most bullying cases aren’t that criminal. There are other ways to deal with bullying. I think they should be punished, but jail is just way to extreme. We just have start standing up for one another so the victim doesn’t feel alone.

4 Yes, it should be a crime Bullies have no right to put other people down. Bullies can cause the victim in harm, such as committing suicide, or hurting themselves. Some kids lose confidence of themselves and may not want to go to school anymore. They should go to jail for a reasonable amount of time, but not to long, because pretty soon, they will learn their lesson. Bullying is a kind of murder, and that’s where all bullies belong, in jail. People ended their lives for being bullied. Does it not seem right that the people who made them do so should be punished?

5 Rebuttal The bully might have problems himself. Bullying always happens with kids, and usually kids don’t know that what there doing is wrong, because they’re just kids. Throwing people in jail, is not a way to solving a bullying problem, especially if most of the bullies are kids.

6 Short Film

7 Work Cited Pathin,Justin W.”The Great Dabate:Should Cyberbullying be a criminal offense?" Cyber bullying.US.Cyberbullyingresearchcenter.November 30,2010.Janurary 21,2015. Neu,Katie.”What is bullying. "Bullying Canada.2015Bullying Canada Inc. February 4,2015. Bill Crosby. Be a buddy, not a bully.bandcamp. October 6, 2012. February 12, 2015 Madison Wisconsin. Harassment/Bullying Reporting. Madison Metropolitan school district. February 12, 2015

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