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Lyndon Johnson and the 1960’s Topic 25.

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1 Lyndon Johnson and the 1960’s Topic 25

2 Johnson’s Issues The inheritor of the Kennedy Legacy? The Great Society and Civil Rights? The War in Vietnam? Which is the tougher position to be in?

3 “The Johnson Treatment”

4 War on Poverty “There are tens of millions of Americans who are beyond the welfare state. Taken as a whole there is a culture of poverty…bad health, poor housing, low levels of aspiration, and high levels of mental distress. Twenty percent of a nation, some 32,000,000.” Michael Harrington, author of the Culture of Poverty and the Other America

5 Johnson’s War on Poverty “The Great Society rests on abundance and liberty for all. It demands an end to poverty and racial injustice.” LBJ 1964 Medicare and Medicaid Head Start HUD Job Corps Water Quality and Clean Air Acts Highway Safety Act Fair Packaging and Labeling Act

6 All the way with LBJ - 1964

7 Vietnam wasn’t just Johnson’s War. 1954-1955 After the defeat of the French at Dien Bien Phu in 1954, Vietnam became a “surrogate war” during the Cold War Pres. Eisenhower sent advisors to train the South Vietnamese. Pres. Kennedy increased the number of advisors – Pres. Johnson DID NOT begin US involvement in Viet Nam. Gulf of Tonkin - 8/2/1964. USS Maddox President Johnson warned the American people that North Vietnam was intent on conquering South Vietnam and spreading Communism – The Domino Theory. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution – August 7. Gave LBJ the ability to “defend American interests” without a declaration of war.

8 Vietnam: continued Johnson had hoped that the air attacks would make ground forces unnecessary. However, the bombing had little impact as the north engaged in Guerilla warfare.. Johnson was now lying to the American public. He denied the correct amount of troops that were in Vietnam. He hoped that continued bombing would eventually exhaust North Vietnam’s resources. Click below for additional information nam/index-1961.html nam/index-1961.html

9 1968 – The Year Everything Went Wrong…. January 30 th, the North Vietnamese launch the Tet offensive embarrassing the US military. LBJ decides not to run for reelection. Tet Offensive LBJ Martin Luther King Jr. was shot by a lone sniper on April 4 th 1968 On June 4 th 1968 Democratic nominee for president, Robert F. Kennedy was struck down and killed by Jordanian Sirhan Sirhan. Richard Nixon elected on a promise of “peace with honor”

10 Movements of the 1960’s Civil Rights Martin Luther King Malcolm X Sit- Ins, Freedom Rides C.O.R.E., N.A.A.C.P. Medgar Evers Brimingham Riots March on Washington C.E.E.O. 24 th Amendment Civil Rights Acts – 1964, 1968 Voting Rights Act Thurgood Marshall Women’s Movement Betty Friedman – The Feminine Mystique 1963 Equal Pay Act 1963 – abolishes wage discrimination based on Gender N.O.W. - 1966 Equal Rights Amendment ( ERA) Alice Paul 1923. Finally adopted in 1972 by Congress. States did not ratify

11 Movements of the 1960’s cont. Environmental Movement: Consumerism Ralph Nader Rachel Carson: Silent Spring ( 1962 ) Environmental Protection Agency: (EPA) - 1970 Hippie Movement/Anti War Movement Bob Dylan The Beatles Judy Collins Janis Joplin The Rolling Stones Joan Baez

12 Movements of the 1960’s cont. American Indian Movement – 1968 Begins in Minneapolis – soon spreads http://www.aimove http://www.aimove Latin-American and Hispanic Rights Cesar Chavez- United Farm Workers – 1965…. _page.php?menu=re search&inc=history/0 7.html _page.php?menu=re search&inc=history/0 7.html

13 Some Famous Faces…. Cesar Chavez Bob Dylan

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