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 1945 – Civil war broke out in China  Nationalists vs. Communists  Communists won – led by Mao Zedong  Communist reforms put in place  Land taken.

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2  1945 – Civil war broke out in China  Nationalists vs. Communists  Communists won – led by Mao Zedong  Communist reforms put in place  Land taken from wealthy and given to poor  Farms were collectivized (shared)  Industry and commerce nationalized (government owned)  Population grew

3 Great Leap ForwardCultural Revolution ActionCombined collective farms into communes to increase food production Red Guards created to push for a permanent revolution and eliminate “Four Olds” GoalReach the final stage of communism – classless society Create a classless society ResultFailed miserably – economic disaster Ended with Mao’s death EffectsFood production decreased, 15 million people starved, communes broken apart Caused people to revolt against movement; people were imprisoned and killed

4  Deng Xiaoping seized power when Mao died and ended the Cultural Revolution  Put in place the Four Modernizations Industry, Agriculture, Technology, National Defense Studied abroad; brought in foreign investors Plan increased standard of living and food production = overall a success  People wanted a Fifth Modernization = Democracy  Protested at Tiananmen Square against communism Xiaoping sent the military in to stop protestors 2000 people killed/wounded = Tiananmen Square massacre  China was considered a threatening nation and was cut off from the USA

5 1950-1953

6  Korea was divided at the 38 th parallel after WWII  North Korea was occupied by Soviet Union  America occupied South Korea  Division was supposed to be temporary, but ended up staying divided

7 North Korea = Communist  Led by dictator Kim Il Sung  Supported by China and Soviet Union Mao Zedong Joseph Stalin

8 South Korea = republic  Led by president Syngman Rhee Supported by US and the UN TrumanEisenhower United Nations

9 1945-49 Chinese Communist Revolution 1950-1953 Korean War 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis 1954-1974 Vietnam War

10  North Korea invaded South Korea and captured the capital, Seoul in 1950  General MacArthur led the UN troops against North Korea  They kept fighting back and forth along the 38 th parallel for 3 years


12  Neither side won  Signed an armistice (cease fire)  Country still remains divided into North and South Korea, on the 38 th parallel  Even though South Korea was a republic, it was not democratic – it was ran by dictators until 1998  1998 it became a democracy

13  After WWII, tried to regain control over Vietnam  Communists in N. Vietnam led by Ho Chi Minh fought back against France  France occupied S. Vietnam  France failed to reunite Vietnam, and left the country in 1954  Vietnam remained split in half  North Vietnam = Communists Led by Ho Chi Minh Supported by Soviet Union and China  South Vietnam = anti-Communist Led by Ngo Dinh Diem Supported by the USA



16 1945-49 Chinese Communist Revolution 1950-1953 Korean War 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis 1954-1975 Vietnam War

17  Both sides agreed to hold elections to reunite Vietnam as one country  Elections were never held, country remained divided  1954 - United States sent aid to S. Vietnam to help prevent takeover by the North  Viewed conflict in terms of the Domino Theory – idea if one country falls to communism, the rest will follow  US became involved in the war to contain communism  1964 – President Johnson sent troops to Vietnam – we were officially at war

18  War ended in 1973 under Nixon  Stalemate for much of the war  US withdrew their troops from Vietnam  Two years later communists had defeated S. Vietnam  Vietnam was reunited as a communist country  1975 – both Laos and Cambodia were also communist Did the USA achieve their goal of containing communism?


20  1959 – Fidel Castro became dictator of Cuba  1960 – USA put a trade embargo on Cuba and broke all diplomatic ties  1961 – Castro exiled (banished) those who opposed his rule  Came to the USA for help to overthrow Castro  US supported an invasion of Cuba by the exiles  Invasion failed  Exiles captured  Embarrassed JFK and his administration  Castro kept a watchful eye over the USA  Afraid of another US-backed invasion

21  October 1962 – lasted 13 Days  USA took pictures of Soviet Union missiles being built in Cuba, pointing at the USA  JFK had to negotiate with Khrushchev to remove the missiles  Blockaded Cuba  Closest we ever came to nuclear war

22 Ohio


24  Brezhnev replaced Khrushchev in 1964  Passed the Brezhnev Doctrine – USSR could intervene if communism was being threatened in another country  Agreed to a détente (relaxation of tensions) with the USA  Signed treaties limiting nuclear arms  Began trading goods with the USA

25  1979 – Soviets invaded Afghanistan to restore a pro-Soviet government  US saw this as a threat to expansion  Ended the détente  Pres. Carter cancelled our involvement in 1980 Olympics in Moscow  Carter also placed an embargo on US grain to Soviets  Reagan began military buildup and a new arms race  Reagan gave military aid to Afghan rebels

26  1985 - Gorbachev took over after Brezhnev  Reformed the political and economic structure of the USSR  Political changes: Set up Soviet Parliament with elected members Created a new state presidency  Economic changes: Established a market economy (private ownership of businesses)  Improved the relationship with the USA  Slowed down arms race  Stopped giving military support to communist countries  Allowed many countries to overthrow their communist governments

27  November 9, 1989 – Berlin Wall torn down  October 3, 1990 – East and West Germany reunited as one Germany

28  Soviet Union was diverse:  92 ethnic groups and 112 different languages  As Gorbachev moved toward reform, nationalist movements began  Soviet Union was breaking apart  December 1991 – Soviet Union was dissolved and the Cold War ended

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