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THE FUTURE TENSE «be going to» Future «will» Future The Simple Present Tense.

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1 THE FUTURE TENSE «be going to» Future «will» Future The Simple Present Tense

2 We use «will – won’t» to explain a prediction for the future.We always use «think-hope- suppose-promise» Tom is still studying English because he has got an exam tomorrow. I think he will pass the exam tomorrow.

3 Susan always saves her Money because she hope s she will buy an expensive car in the future.

4 I would like to apologize for breaking your heart to you. I promise I will not tell a lie to you. I am sure you will do it again.

5 We also use «will – won’t» at the moment we make a new decision or plan. Bye. I 'll phone you when I get there. See you soon.

6 OK! I will help you to carry your bags.

7  Affirmative Form Negative Form  Question Form Short Form will ’ll will not won’t I You He She It We You They will verb I You He She It We You they Will not verb Will I You He She It We You They verb?

8 Make sentences 1- Tom is studying hard his exam. I 2- Susan saves her pocket Money.She 3- David is borrowing my dictionary.He 4- A:The weather is sunny.Let’s go swimming. B: -go abroad -swim -fail -bring it back -hope -think -promise -OK! think he will not fail his exam. hopes she will go abraod. promises he will bring it back. Ok’ I will come with you.

9 We use «be going to» to explain planned future events. I have got a terriblr toothache. I am going to visit my dentist tomorrow afternoon.

10 We can use «be going to» for an action is happening certainly Look! There are a few black clouds in the sky. It’ s going to rain soon.

11 Watch your step! You are going to hurt yourself.

12 P.S. We can use The Present Continuous Tense for an action in progress now but we can use it for a planned action in the future. I am flying to Paris today.

13  Complete the sentences using be going to,future simple(will-won!tJ) 1- A: We’ve run out of milk. B: Oh, have we? I ____________________ and get some.(go) 2- Josh _______________________________ five next Tuesday.(be) 3- My cousin thinks he ___________________ to stay with us for weekend.(meet) 4- Look at that car!It ____________________________ that tree!(hit) 5- I promise I _____________________ that again.(not do) 6-You look tired.Sit down and I______________________ you a cup of tea.(make) 7- A: I think there is someone at the door. B: OK! I ______________________ (go) and answer it. 8- I hope you ____________________ back and see us.(come) 9- My sons are preparing their suitcases for holiday. They __________________out tomorrow morning.(set) 10-A: What ______ you ________________ for the party tonight?(wear) B: My blue dress will go ‘s going to be ‘ll meet ‘s going to hit won’t do ‘ll make ‘ll go ‘ll come ‘re going to set are going to wear

14 Thank you for reading Sibel KOLAY English Teacher

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