Workers and What They Do 3 rd Grade ICAP Lesson DPS Elementary Counseling Program (Individual Career and Academic Planning)

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Presentation on theme: "Workers and What They Do 3 rd Grade ICAP Lesson DPS Elementary Counseling Program (Individual Career and Academic Planning)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Workers and What They Do 3 rd Grade ICAP Lesson DPS Elementary Counseling Program (Individual Career and Academic Planning)

2 Today we will… O 1. be introduced to skills used in college/careers. O 2. identify skills associated with different careers. O 3. exposed to careers from the different career clusters. O 4. connect our current skills to one day being in a career

3 Pre-Test Time

4 Skills (that Colleges and Employers say you need!) How adults say itHow we understand it Communication skillsThe way we talk and express ourselves Honesty/IntegrityTelling the truth, doing what is right. Teamwork skillsWorking with others in a for a common goal Interpersonal skillsWorking well with others MotivationWanting to do it Strong work ethicTrying hard, putting in effort Analytical skillsProblem Solving Flexibility/adaptabilityBeing alright with change Technology skillsKnowing how to use computers, phones, tablets Self-ConfidenceBelieving in Yourself

5 Let’s Act Out the Skills! O Your counselor will now break you up in groups of 2 to 3 students. O Each Group will get a notecard with a skill O Your group will take 4 minutes to rehearse how you will act out this skill in front of the class. O Now – let’s show each other what this skill looks like!

6 Group: Communication skills O The way we talk and how we express ourselves

7 Group: Honesty/Integrity OTelling the truth, doing what is right.

8 Group: Teamwork skills OWorking with others in a for a common goal

9 Group: Interpersonal skills OWorking well with others

10 Group: Motivation OWanting to do it

11 Group: Strong Work Ethic OTrying hard, putting in effort

12 Group: Analytical skills O Problem Solving

13 Group: Flexibility/adaptability OBeing alright with change

14 Group: Technology skills O Knowing how to use computers, phones, tablets

15 Group: Self-Confidence OBelieving in Yourself

16 What job is this? What skills does he need to do this job? Physician's Assistant

17 What job is this? What skills do you need to do this job? Carpenter

18 What Job is this? What Skills does she need to do this job? Teacher

19 What job is this? O What skills do they need to have to do this job? Graphic Designer

20 What job is this? What skills do you need to do this job? Solar Panel Installer

21 What job is this? What skills do you need to do this job? Computer Coder

22 What job is this? Chef What skills do they need to have to do this job?

23 What job is this? What skills do you need to do this job? Mail Carrier

24 Do you think you currently have the skills you need to do an adult job? Yes, you are working on all of these skills RIGHT NOW and one day you will use them in your career!

25 Does anyone have a dream job we could discuss which of these skills would be used?

26 Post Test

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