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 What did Mao and other Communist Chinese leaders do to control the thoughts of the people? Why did they think ideas were dangerous?  (Spoiler alert:

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Presentation on theme: " What did Mao and other Communist Chinese leaders do to control the thoughts of the people? Why did they think ideas were dangerous?  (Spoiler alert:"— Presentation transcript:

1  What did Mao and other Communist Chinese leaders do to control the thoughts of the people? Why did they think ideas were dangerous?  (Spoiler alert: This is a really similar to a test questions!) Warm-up # 32

2  Review what we have learned about Red China.  Start to learn about the Proxy Wars of the Cold War, more specifically, The Korean War Today’s Goals

3 The Korean War The Forgotten War

4  A war instigated by a superpower who does not “officially” become involved. Proxy War

5  Korean Peninsula was ruled by Japan from 1910 – 1945  US and USSR try to get Japan to surrender in WWII  USSR occupies top half of the peninsula  US occupies the bottom  38 th Parallel divides Background

6 Separate governments are set up in each region. Both think they should have legitimate control of the entire peninsula. Kim Il Sung puppet ruler of North – put in place by Stalin U.S. does the same in the South June 1950 N. Korea (with troops from USSR and China) invades S. Korea UN aka U.S. sends troops the defend the South The Conflict Begins

7  Fighting lasts for 3 years  US forces push N. Korea forces into China  China pushes back  Am. Gen. McArthur asks for nukes, Truman says no and fires him.  Eisenhower commands U.S. The Course of the War

8  1953: War ends in a stale mate  New nations formed  North Korea: Communist  South Korea: Capitalist  Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) established at 38 th parallel The War Ends

9  Both nations at odds with one another  North Korea resents the US for supporting the South Aftermath

10 Crash Course: Cold War in Asia Stop at 4:10

11  Read pages 280-286 with your group  Answer all of the questions on the worksheet  Use Complete Sentences  Write down page and paragraph # of your answer The Korean War

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