Moon Phases Learning Goal: I will know the different moon phases and how they relate to Earth’s revolution around the sun.

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Presentation on theme: "Moon Phases Learning Goal: I will know the different moon phases and how they relate to Earth’s revolution around the sun."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moon Phases Learning Goal: I will know the different moon phases and how they relate to Earth’s revolution around the sun.

2 You must start with memorizing the phases of the moon 1.New Moon 2.Waxing Crescent 3.First Quarter 4.Waxing Gibbous 5.Full Moon 6.Waning Gibbous 7.3 rd Quarter (Last Quarter) 8.Waning Crescent *And it starts all over again

3 The Moon The moon revolves or orbits the Earth once every 29 days. We always see the same side of the moon because the moon rotates and revolves at about the same speed.

4 How big is the moon compared to the Earth? One-fourth the size of the Earth

5 The moon has extreme temperatures. This means it is very ______ in the daytime and very ______ at night. hot cold

6 Why is it not possible for there to be life on the moon? No air & no water

7 What is the moon’s surface covered with? Craters, mountains, and flat plains

8 BrainPop

9 New Moon No light visible.

10 Waxing Crescent Light on the right. Less than half lit. Waxing means getting larger Think of a croissant roll, looks like a crescent, sounds like it too

11 First Quarter Light on the right.Exactly half lit.

12 Waxing Gibbous Light on the right. More than half lit.

13 Full Moon Fully lit.

14 Waning Gibbous Light on the left. More than half lit.

15 Third (Last) Quarter Light on left. Less than half lit.

16 Waning Crescent Light on the left. Less than half lit.

17 What is an eclipse? An eclipse occurs any time something passes in front of the Sun, blocking its light. This can be the Earth or the Moon.

18 Is there more than 1 kind of eclipse? Yes!! There are lunar and solar eclipses. Lunar Eclipse- When the Earth casts a shadow on the moon, causing the moon to go dark. Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon and casts a shadow on the Moon Solar Eclipse- When the Moon casts a shadow on the Earth, causing the sun to go dark. The Moon comes between the Sun and Earth and casts a shadow on part of Earth

19 Lunar Eclipses The Earth moves between the Sun and the Moon, blocking th Sun’s light, and causing the moon to glow red.

20 Total Lunar Eclipse – when the Moon passes completely into the Umbra, or total shadow of the Earth.

21 Partial Lunar Eclipse – Occur when the Moon does not fully move into the Umbra

22 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse – When the moon passes only through the penumbra, or partial shadow. They are barely visible.

23 Total Lunar Eclipse – when the Moon passes completely into the Umbra, or total shadow of the Earth.

24 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse – When the moon passes only through the penumbra, or partial shadow. They are barely visible.

25 Total Solar Eclipse – can only occur if you are at the exact spot within the moon’s umbra (which isn’t very big).

26 Partial Solar Eclipse – Visible if you are in the penumbra of the shadow. Only some of the moon will be shadowed.

27 Why Don’t We See Lunar Eclipses More Often? Well, lunar eclipses don’t happen everyday because the Moon’s orbit is tilted. So, during most months, the Moon is above or below the Earth.

28 Select the photo that demonstrates what happens when the moon is directly between the sun and Earth. The side facing the Earth is in darkness.

29 Which picture shows the darkened side of the moon that reappear after the full moon:

30 Which photo shows the appearance of the moon when it has completed three quarters of its orbit around the Earth?

31 A short video about the lunar cycle qGmPCk qGmPCk

32 Reflection Time Write a reflection of at least one paragraph describing everything you have learned (Summarize and analyze) Write at least 2 questions that you have about the lunar cycle.

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