B O N N E V I L L E P O W E R A D M I N I S T R A T I O N Bonneville Power Administration Energy Efficiency Emerging Technologies (E3T) Program Introduction.

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1 B O N N E V I L L E P O W E R A D M I N I S T R A T I O N Bonneville Power Administration Energy Efficiency Emerging Technologies (E3T) Program Introduction for 2011 Energy Management Technical Advisory Group October 12, 2011 Presented by: Jack Callahan, BPA Emerging Technology Program Manager

2 B O N N E V I L L E P O W E R A D M I N I S T R A T I O N From Emerging Technology to EE Measure 2 5. New Measure Documentation  Description of Measure  Baseline for savings and cost  Incremental Cost  Incremental Savings  Lifetime  Benefit/Cost Ratio  Requirements and Specifications  Measured Savings Data  Approved EM&V Plan  Program Delivery Mechanism 1. TAG Emerging Technology Priority List ----- 2. TAG Recommend- ations ----- 3.Determine Next Steps  Stop  Wait  Fast Track  Handoff to others  Develop a research plan 4.Implement Research Plan  Collaborate  Market Potential Analysis  Staff Research  Market Study  Funded Assessment  Include as Field Test Item

3 B O N N E V I L L E P O W E R A D M I N I S T R A T I O N CategoryQuestion Technology Readiness Are products and providers available, reliable, and ready to scale up? Technology Application Are applications understood and are guidelines developed for selection and installation? Are needed design practices, standards, and ratings developed and widely available? Customer Adoption Is the customer value identified, communicated, understood, and positive? Energy Savings Are energy savings predictable, consistent, persistent and significant? Measurement & Verification Are the energy savings measurable and are EM&V approaches selected, developed, and available? Measure Specification Are applications, baseline, incremental savings, incremental costs, and measure specification defined and reliable? Cost EffectivenessIs this likely to be a TRC cost effective conservation resource? Program Implementation Can BPA or partners implement a cost effective program to specify and deliver this measure? Key Criteria for Emerging Technologies

4 B O N N E V I L L E P O W E R A D M I N I S T R A T I O N CriteriaWho? Technology Readiness Technical Advisory Groups Technology Application Customer Adoption Energy Savings Technical Advisory Groups Regional Technical Forum Measurement & Verification Measure Specification Cost Effectiveness Program Implementation BPA, Utility, NEEA Programs Role of TAGs

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