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Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus, Let us Run the Race! Hebrews 12:1-2.

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Presentation on theme: "Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus, Let us Run the Race! Hebrews 12:1-2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus, Let us Run the Race! Hebrews 12:1-2

2 Fixing Your Eyes …on Jesus Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, Hebrews 12:2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

3 Celebration of Independence Day As we come to this weekend to celebrate Independence Day 2015, let us remember and be thankful to God for raising up the United States of America originally as a godly nation… – Still the greatest nation even though it is changing fast. – USA has sent out more missionaries than any other country over the last 200 years. – USA is the most generous nation in the world. – But USA is rapidly losing its moral heritage because it lost its moral anchor to the Bible and to faith in Jesus Christ. And it is “a-drift.”

4 Celebration of Independence Day In the 1700’s – 1730 to 1770 the Great Awakening occurred as a move of God that changed this nation. In the 1800’s – 1800 to 1860’s the Second Great Awakening as a move of God that changed this nation again. From the 1940’s to the year 2000 – there has been major move of God in each decade in America. Now since 2000, there has been none.

5 Independence from England, but not from God. A Dependence on God! Our country was founded on godly principals. But USA government and many people have blindly departed from God… and the godly heritage…in the time of great affluence since 1950. – The Government has… (president and congress) – Now the Supreme Court has. – Much of the population (83 %) however say they associate with the Christian Faith, but if Jesus came today, He would have to say to many... “I never Knew You”. (Only 34 % of Americans are Born Again.) – But Jesus said in John 3:7 “You must be Born Again.”

6 Examples of the Times Oregon bakers fined $135,000 told to stop speaking about obeying God and not man New Atheism; School shootings; church burnings Many recent national elections have not gone well from a Biblical/ Christian view. ISIS and militant violent Islam growing Last year the Mayor of Houston Texas… Most recently June 26, 2015– the Supreme Court makes a defining moment decision opening the doors wide for godlessness to come into this nation…

7 Observations of the Most Recent Supreme Court Decision Thousands of hours of prayer, perhaps tens of thousands of hours went into this issue of the Supreme Court decision to uphold the definition of marriage - one man/one woman. But God let the decision go in the direction other than we prayed. It seemed like God said “no”. But His no is not a no … it is “I have another plan!”

8 God’s Plans for America 1.God is seemingly not answering prayers in the way we would think or expect He would for America. Why? It seems He is letting the people and the government be given over to their sin! Examples… a)King Saul in the OT…I Samuel 8:1-9 b)Israel in the Exodus… Exodus 16:11-13/ Num. 11:31-35 c)Men and women burning with lust Romans 1: 18-32 2.So the issue is more than any one issue. It is about the USA and seeking to be independent from God.

9 God’s Plans for America 3.This “giving them over to their sin”, will result in greater sin and a reaction and persecution towards Christians, churches and ministries in America. 4.This on the other hand will cause Christians and Bible Believing Churches to band together as the Body of Christ like never before Jesus’ return.. 5.We are returning back to the conditions of the “Book of Acts”. Many will be saved during this time. 6.It would appear, we may be on the threshold of the Tribulation times that Jesus spoke about.

10 Word of the Lord “turbulent” times are just ahead – – Definition: 1. Disturbed; agitated; tumultuous; being in violent commotion; as the turbulent ocean. 2. Restless; unquiet; refractory; disposed to insubordination and disorder; as turbulent spirits. 3. Producing commotion.

11 How Shall We Respond? 1.Love people with the love of Jesus where they are. God wants to save them and redeem them. 2.Turn to Jesus and fix your eyes and life on Jesus Christ like never before. Hebrews 12:1,2 3.Trust the Lord in deeper personal ways like you never have before. Proverbs 3:5 4.The power of the Holy Spirit active in your life will be more important than ever before. John 14, 15, 16 5.Prayer and the word of God are vital.

12 How Shall We Respond? 6.Praying in the Spirit will be the way to a closer walk with Jesus. Jude 1:20 7.Purify yourself, even as Jesus was purified. I John 3:3 8.Stand up for Jesus and speak out for what you know is right. 9.Seek first the Kingdom of God and all things will be provided for you. Matt. 6:33

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