Billy Vivian Dr. Oblitey COSC 316-002.  What is CAPTCHA?  History  Uses  Artificial Intelligence Relationship  reCAPTCHA  Works Cited.

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Presentation on theme: "Billy Vivian Dr. Oblitey COSC 316-002.  What is CAPTCHA?  History  Uses  Artificial Intelligence Relationship  reCAPTCHA  Works Cited."— Presentation transcript:

1 Billy Vivian Dr. Oblitey COSC 316-002

2  What is CAPTCHA?  History  Uses  Artificial Intelligence Relationship  reCAPTCHA  Works Cited

3  Completely  Automated  Public  Turing test to tell  Computers and  Humans  Apart

4  Program that figures out if a human or a bot is trying to use the following services.  Creates a test that's easy for a human to pass, but difficult for a computer.

5  Creators  Luis von Ahn  Manuel Blum  Nicolas Hopper  John Langford  2000 at Carnegie Mellon University  Named after Alan Turing  Turing Test: Can machines think?

6  Spam  Bot Website Registration  Ticket Purchases  Lop-sided Online Poll Results  Nov. 1999,  “Who has the best computer science graduate program?”  Search Engine Bots  Comments to raise search engine ranks of websites

7  Study and development of intelligent machines and software  Vicarious cracks CAPTCHA Vicarious  Uses the computational principles of the brain to build software that can think and learn like a human  Think like a child: learn after an association of 10 items

8  Digitalize books  Photographically scanned  Transformed into text using “Optical Character Recognition (OCR)”

9  Two different OCR scans word  If deciphered differently, word = suspicious  Control word vs. Unknown word  Control word: word that answer is known  Ex: “today”  Unknown word: Word that OCR can not decipher

10  If user enters correct “control word,” response for “unknown word” is saved as a plausible guess  If first three human guesses are the same but differ from OCR:  Now, Unknown = Control  Only way unknown word can become a control word

11  Unknown word is sent out for more guesses  Voting system  Human Answer = 1 point  OCR guess =.5 point  Highest number of votes makes the word a control word  2.5 minimum to be correct word  Unreadable words  When six people mark a word as undecipherable, word is marked as unreadable


13  “cryptographp.”  reCAPTCHA: Human-Based Character Recognition via Web Security Measures. 12 Sept. 2008. PDF File.  “The Official CAPTCHA Site.” CAPTCHA.NET.  “Vicarious AI passes first Turing Test: CAPTCHA.”

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