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God’s Calling On My Vocation God’s Calling On My Vocation by Doug Johnson.

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Presentation on theme: "God’s Calling On My Vocation God’s Calling On My Vocation by Doug Johnson."— Presentation transcript:

1 God’s Calling On My Vocation God’s Calling On My Vocation by Doug Johnson

2 Two Critical Callings Primary Calling – a call to being Respond to God through a relationship with Jesus Christ This is the same for everyone Secondary - a call to action Respond to Christ by our actions in reflection of how God created us. This is different for everyone

3 Do I Have To Like My Calling? God’s calling will not always be enjoyable. The Prophet Jeremiah was called to go and speak to a people that wouldn’t listen to him (Jeremiah 7:27). That is not an easy calling to be tasked with. When I think of God’s calling on my vocation… I don’t think of a specific job or career. I don’t even think that we have to enjoy them.

4 Do I Have To Like My Calling? You only have to be faithful to the calling. Your obedience to the vocation God has placed you in is crucial to your success in carrying out your calling.

5 God’s Calling On My Vocation Discernment is important. In order to find the calling of God you have to be able to hear Him. I have learned a couple of lessons because I haven’t tuned into God’s calling and instead followed what I wanted. Naperville, IL – Family Minister Selfish ambition will only hinder your calling.

6 God’s Calling On My Vocation I have many different interests and passions. Family, Marriages, Parenting, Sports, College, Counseling… The list goes on. My Conclusion: God has called my to a vocation of leadership. It fits my giftset but doesn’t limit me to a specific job/career. It allows me to not feel there is only one place to carryout my calling.

7 Thrive Where You Are! Your calling is based on the passions and giftsets that God has given you. All of this is for the purpose of glorifying God. God has taught me my responsibility is: To be obedient to Him where ever I am placed. To support my family whether I like my job/career or not. Use my strengths and giftset to honor Him and impact others.

8 In doing this I can be faithful to the call that God has placed on my life through my vocation.

9 Work Cited Career, "Calling", and Christian Vocation. (2011, January 1). Retrieved February 13, 2015, from, -“calling”,-and-christian-vocation, -“calling”,-and-christian-vocation Vocations and Calling: A Biblical Perspective of Work. (n.d.). Retrieved February 13, 2015, from Jeremiah 7 NIV. (n.d.). Retrieved February 13, 2015, from


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