The call Of a pastor To. C&MA Vision Christ-Centered Acts 1:8 Family As a family we will:  Love  Proclaim  Reach  Launch.

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Presentation on theme: "The call Of a pastor To. C&MA Vision Christ-Centered Acts 1:8 Family As a family we will:  Love  Proclaim  Reach  Launch."— Presentation transcript:

1 The call Of a pastor To

2 C&MA Vision Christ-Centered Acts 1:8 Family As a family we will:  Love  Proclaim  Reach  Launch

3 Hmong District As Christ-Centered Acts 1:8 Family, we will learn to know Christ, transforming by Christ, and make Christ known to the our community and the world.  We can accomplish this goal by equipping our churches to make disciples.  We can accomplish this goal by planting new churches  We can accomplish this goal by sending out workers into the world  We can accomplish this goal by developing next generation leaders

4 Three groups of people who will change the district?  DS and DEXCOM  The Pastors  The staffs of the Hmong District

5 Identify some of the concerns:  35,906 Church members but only 16,635 attend worship service every Sunday (42 %)  19,271 members do not attend worship service—around 80% of these peoples are the younger generation (age between 14-40).  At the moment, we have 217 pastors.  Retired pastors17  Missionaries 8  Not license in 2016 21  Lay Pastors4  Active in Church 167  145 pastors will retired in 5-15 years. If HD can’t produce 22 pastors per year we will have a shortage of pastors in 2030.

6 Continue…  Planting Churches—350,000 Hmong in America  Twin City, MN 100,000 Hmongs  Christian population @12,000 All denominations  88,000 Hmong unbelievers  300 to a church—Need to plant 300 churches  300,000 unbelievers inn USA—Need to plant 1000 churches  13 Missionaries Units  8 units will retired in 2025  We need to train 20 units additional missionaries

7 1.Call to glorify God  Isaiah 43:7- Everyone who is called by My name, And whom I have created for My glory, Whom I have formed, evenwhom I have made.  1 Corinthians 10:31--"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.“  Psalm 86:12--"I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever."  1 Pet. 4:11—That God in all things may be glorified.

8 Challenges…  Adoration -- Spending time in God’s word on a regular basis (Not count your time prepare your sermon).  Walk the talk (To perform actions consistent with one's claims-Oxford Dictionary)  Modeling the Chirstlike life

9 2.Call to preach 2 Tim. 4:1-2 “I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.” 1 Cor. 9:16-- “ For when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, since I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!”

10 The Goal of Preaching should be:  Conversion (Spurgeon)  Life Transformation (Rick Warren)  Motivate the people to develop Christlikeness (A.W. Tozer)  Conviction (To think like Jesus)  Character (To feel like Jesus)  Conduct (To act like Jesus)  The glory of God (John Piper)  What is your goal of preaching? Develop a goal for your preaching?

11 Call to faithfully proclaim the Word of God  Prepare your sermon well  Proclaim the gospel  Expose the biblical truth relevant to the hearers  Attending seminar on preaching  Read book on sermon preparation  Practice what you preach  Have a mentor

12 3.Call to make disciples Jesus Christ commands us to “Make Disciple.” (Matthew 28:19-20).

13 Discipleship

14 Discipleship is “teaching individual to grow in their knowledge of God.” Philippians 1:9

15 Discipleship is “designed to develop individuals to become more like their Savior.” Romans 8:29. Our goal is to “help the individual Christian to become more like Christ.”

16 Discipleship is “teaching the individual to bear fruits for the Kingdom of God.” John 15:8

17 Three Sphere of discipleship

18 The three goals of discipleship

19 Challenge pastors to…  Live a life style of discipleship  Carry out the great commission seriously (Making Disciples)  “Entrust your life to a reliable man who will also be qualify to teach others” (2 Tim. 2:2).  Spend time with ONE trustful leader for a year and have him disciple others  Attend Discipleship Seminar  Read discipleship books

20 Where did disciples begin his journey? The home make disciples—Strong family The church builds the disciples to be mature leaders-leadership development The mature leaders make true disciples-Strong church The strong church send out disciples to the community and the world-Mission

21 Where is discipleship begin: Discipleship begin in the Home Church Workplace Community world Impacting Transforming by

22 4.Call to develop leaders  Reality: We spend 85% of our time serving the church—only 15% of our time to equip people to be leaders (Servanthood Magazine Issue 81).  Our goal is to “equip leaders to replace us.”  Need to equip 20 pastors per year.  Accept them to do internship in your church.  Provide scholarship for them to attend Bible Colleges/Seminaries

23 Through Hmong Bible College Church Leadership Academy Hmong StudiesInternational Pastoral Study Online School  TEE (Theological Education by Extension)  MSP (Ministerial Study Program)  BEE (Biblical Education by Extension)  Hmong Study Program  Internship program  Scholarship for Higher degree in Hmong Study  Establishing CLA in Asia in partnership with local Bible College  Produce curriculum for training leaders and discipleship  Continue Education for pastors  Online courses for church leaders

24 Through Church Leaders Academy

25 Through Higher Education Higher Degree for younger pastors Provide Scholarship (Apologetic, Theology, Linguistics, missiologist, etc.) Internship program Apprenticeship Program Hmong Study Program (MA through CROWN & BA through Taccoa falls) Hmong worldview Hmong religion Hmong culture Hmong Theology Hmong Ministry Internship Continue Education (Extension Study) Apologetic Coaching Skill Advanced Preaching Biblical Studies Christian Counseling

26 Challenges the pastor to lead the church to:  Be a “Local Institution” that teach ministry skills to future leaders  Set up an internship program in your church  Set up a scholarship budget to send your young men/women to attend Bible College and seminary or to help others  Set up budget for apprenticeship program  Open TEE/MSP in your church (equip Church leaders to teach these courses)

27 International Pastoral Study Program Establish “Church Leadership Academy” in partnership with the national Bible College in Asia (Will sign a MOU this summer with three countries in Asia) Produce leadership training and discipleship curriculum and train church leaders to use the curriculum to disciple their members. Establish a scholarship to help church leaders in Asia to go to study abroad (prefer School in Asia).

28 Through Online Study  Apologetic in Hmong context Courses  Church Leadership Courses  Bible study Courses  Develop preaching Skill Courses  Continue education for pastors  Biblical Education by Theological Education

29 5.Call to commit to world evangelism Local CommunityThe world  Planting Daughter Churches.  Partner with District to plant church.  Live a life style of evangelism.  Witness to as many people as possible.  Giving to Great Commission-increase your church giving to 10% of church operation income  Praying for Mission—Mission Moment week  Send out missionaries—Partnership with C&MA to send out missionaries  Going to the mission field-Short- term/Career term

30 Challenges…  Be a “missionary training church”  Hire a missionary candidate to work in your church  Increase your GCF giving up to 10% of your church operation  Send out short-term mission(VBS, Church evangelism, building, health, others)  Preach about mission  Hold mission conference on a yearly basis  Invite missionary from other continent to speak at your church

31 Remember that… We are called to equip the believers to minister (Eph. 4:11-12) We are called to teach the believers to obey all of Christ's commandments (Matt. 28:19-20) We are called to “present everyone fully mature in Christ.” (Col. 1:28)

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