My favorite things to do My Favorite Subject  My favorite subject would have to be history and geography. I have always been a big fan of learning.

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4 My favorite things to do

5 My Favorite Subject  My favorite subject would have to be history and geography. I have always been a big fan of learning about our country past. It is a subject that has always stuck with me and I’ve enjoyed learning about.  I do plan on becoming a history teacher.

6 My favorite Color, food and Animal.  I don’t have a favorite color I don’t have a favorite anything, especially color I have colors I like more than other what those aren’t my favorite. I LOVE Mexican food or Chinese food. They are the best types of food. I love all animals but if I had too choose the ones I liked the most it would be small puppies.

7 Teaching is a Treasure  I am excited to be teaching you because I enjoy interacting with people especially children they have such amazing creativity.

8 High School & College  My goals after high school are to continue in school. I plan to go to college and do my basics at TCC & Then transfer to a bigger college. Hopefully somewhere close to my house like TCU or UTA. I plan to become a teacher in four years or so and get my Drs. degree to become a pediatrician later in life

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