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7.03 Cultural and Spiritual beliefs in relation to healthcare.

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1 7.03 Cultural and Spiritual beliefs in relation to healthcare.

2 What is culture / spirituality?
Culture - the values, beliefs, attitudes, languages, symbols, rituals, behaviors and customs unique to a group or generation of people. Spirituality – the beliefs individuals have about themselves, their connections with others and their relationship with a higher power.

3 Spirituality Expressed through religious practices. It is not the same as religion. An individual’s need to find meaning and purpose in life. An individualized & personal set of beliefs & practices that evolves and changes throughout life.

4 Religion An organized system of belief in a superhuman power or higher power. Beliefs and practices are associated with a particular form or place of worship. Very diverse

5 Atheist – a person who does not
believe in any deity. Agnostic – an individual who believes that the existence of God cannot be proved or disproved.

6 Health care Providers should be aware of their
patient’s spiritual and religious needs. They should practice the following: Respect pt’s individual beliefs. Verify religion/culture/spirituality Allow pt’s to express their beliefs, practice rituals, and follow special diets. (PRN)

7 United States uses biomedical or “Western” system
Encouraging patients to learn about their illness Informing patients about terminal illness Teaching self-care Using medications and technology to cure or treat disease Teaching preventive care

8 Beliefs vary greatly among cultures – although not all individuals in a culture believe and follow all the customs In United States, increasing use of alternative therapies Individuals have a right to choose their method of health care

9 Beliefs in certain cultures:
South African: Maintain harmony of body, mind and spirit Cause: Spirits, demons or punishment from God Treatment: Prayer or religious rituals

10 Asian Health is balance of yin and yang Treatment: Herbal remedies, acupuncture Believe pain must be endured silently

11 European Hispanic Illness caused by outside sources
Treat with medication, surgery, diet, exercise Hispanic Health is a reward from God, good luck Heat and cold remedies to restore balance, prayers, massage

12 Middle Eastern Health is spiritual, cleanliness essential
Males dominate and make decisions on health care Spiritual causes of illness, evil eye

13 Native American Health is harmony with nature
Illness caused by supernatural forces and evil spirits Healer: Medicine man Tolerance of pain signifies strength and power

14 Show respect for a patient’s spiritual beliefs and practices:
Health care workers determine a patient’s spiritual needs by talking to the patient Show respect for a patient’s spiritual beliefs and practices: Willing listener Support for spiritual and religious practices Respect of symbols and books Privacy during clergy visits Refrain from imposing your beliefs on the patient

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