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Topic: Branding- the mythology of brands and it’s link with consumerism.

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Presentation on theme: "Topic: Branding- the mythology of brands and it’s link with consumerism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic: Branding- the mythology of brands and it’s link with consumerism

2 O.M.G! Have you been BRANDED??? Branding: The process involved in creating a unique name and image for a product in the consumers' mind, mainly through advertising campaigns with a consistent theme. Branding aims to establish a significant and differentiated presence in the market that attracts and retains loyal customers. *Activity: Have a think- do you have a ‘favourite brand’ that you are loyal too? Why so? Consumerism: The ever-increasing consumption of goods and services forms the basis of a sound economy and continual expansion of one's wants and needs for goods and services. *Activity: Have a think- what was the last thing you purchased? Why did you buy it? Was it a want, or a need?

3 The power of the media’s influence: The next generation Consuming Kids: The commercialization of childhood

4 THE FACTS….The new generation of consumerism

5 Influences: what influences your attitude, values and behaviour? Ever wondered how growing up in a branded culture effects the way a person views the world? Have you noticed a differences between the way you respond and identify with brands and products and the way teenagers do?

6 Issues: How Advertising Affects Teenagers Advertising works best when it creates insecurity about something. Such insecurities are easily found amongst pubescent teens. Be it body shape, skin condition, fashion, music, being cool, or just having the right type of gadget, teenagers are very uncertain about who they are or where they fit in.

7 The positives! Building a strong, independent individual…. Talk about it!! Where there is an issue- it’ll make a great conversation starter! Get your students/kids to blog about it, open the lines of communication, give information on bullying and helpline.

8 QUESTIONS FOR REFELCTION AND DISCUSSION In what ways have you seen an allegiance to brands in your life? Is the influence good, bad, or both? Can you think of specific instances of how you have been marketed to today or this week? What do you think is cool or hip? How many of those things have a brand name attached to them? How can those who work with youth help them see how marketing influences decisions and actions? How can people become more aware, and possibly more immune, to these influences? IMPLICATIONS All humans are susceptible to the power of brand-names, and this is especially true in the time of adolescents. We need to recognize when we are being influenced, and we need to help others recognized this as well. While it may be difficult to avoid marketing techniques, there are ways to go against them. One of the most important may simply be learning to recognize marketing and making sure your choices are not influenced negatively by it. Marketers know that adolescents and “tweens” have larger disposable incomes than in the past, and often less supervision over purchases. For that reason, they have defined this as an important market to “capture” and influence. Adults must realize this and help children and adolescents avoid these pressures. There are alternatives to a branded existence. There are ways to push against the pressure.

9 Bibliography/reference list: Quart, A. (2003). Branded: The Buying and Selling of Teenagers. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishing. Beder, S. (2014). 'A Community View', Caring for Children in the Media Age, Papers from a national conference, edited by John Squires and Tracy Newlands, New College Institute for Values Research, Sydney, 1998, pp. 101-111.

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