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Character Profiler  searches for evidence (physical appearance, feelings, and thoughts, or actions) that shows the author’s use of characterization. The.

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Presentation on theme: "Character Profiler  searches for evidence (physical appearance, feelings, and thoughts, or actions) that shows the author’s use of characterization. The."— Presentation transcript:

1 Character Profiler  searches for evidence (physical appearance, feelings, and thoughts, or actions) that shows the author’s use of characterization. The character profiler then explains how the author helps the reader understand the character through this evidence.

2 Add to “my notes”  Pull out a direct quote from the text using proper citation  Think about what the description shows us about Odysseus

3 Sample Character Profiler  “I shall not see on earth a place more dear…But in my heart, I never gave concent” (983)  Thoughts and feelings  Here, Homer is representing Odysseus as a good guy. He is portrayed as missing his home and his family. He is suggesting he would not be unfaithful to his wife.

4 Literary Luminary  focuses on a particular passage they wish to discuss. Then, the Literary Luminary develops 2 questions to discuss with their group members. All members in the group will answer these questions, including the luminary.

5 Add to “my notes”  Good discussion questions are open- ended. The questions should not be “yes” or “no” questions.  Think about opinion questions using starters such as  “What do you think about…?”  “How did you feel when…? Why?”  “Do you think…?”

6 Sample Literary Luminary  “I stormed that place and killed the men that fought” (983).  Do you think these are good qualities of a leader? Odysseus seems very violent and rash. Is this an appropriate way to lead an army? Why or why not?

7 Connector  relates a section of the reading to the world outside of this text. This can be a personal connection from the connector’s experience, or something that we have discussed in previous lessons (remember: text-to-text, text-to-self, text- to-world)

8 Add to “my notes”  you do not need to think of another book or story for your connection.  pick out a specific character trait in one of the characters and think of who they may remind you of.  Pick a situation that can be related to your life or a friend’s life, etc…

9 Sample Connector  “What of those years of rough adventure, weathered under Zeus?” (983).  This reminds me of a cruise I once took with my family. There was a storm and I remember being really nervous. The boat was rocking so much, they closed all of the restaurants. I was terrified. Odysseus, however, doesn’t seem nervous and is able to overcome these challenges.

10 Word Poet  searches for vocabulary words that are unfamiliar and/or important to the story. Then, the word poet takes those words and creates a poem that is related to the text. Poem should be 10-12 lines.

11 Add to “my notes”  Make sure definitions come from a reliable source  The poem has to reflect the story in some way.  Poem doesn’t have to rhyme.

12 Sample Word Poet The wind that carried me from War to home Where shall a man find sweetness To surpass? I miss my home, I miss my wife This new grief This lost lost world I am A part of I’ve never needed Guile As much as I Need it now To get to safety

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