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Germany in a nutshell Lazarski University, 13th April 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Germany in a nutshell Lazarski University, 13th April 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Germany in a nutshell Lazarski University, 13th April 2016

2 At a glance  Capital: Berlin  Area: 357,021 km2  Population: Approximately 82 million  National day: 3 October  Day of German Unity, 1990

3 Politics: the state, the law and the citizen  Democratic and social federal state governed by the rule of law  Sovereignty vested in the people  Federal system  Social market economy  Basic Law of 1949  Constitutional basis of fundamental legal and political order  Supreme court: Federal Constitutional Court

4 The German Bundestag  Bundestag elections every 4 years  Elections: universal suffrage, equal votes, secret ballot

5 Composition of the 18th German Bundestag: the current distribution of Bundestag seats (as of October 2013) CDU/CSU (Christian Democratic/Social Union) 311 seats SPD (Social Democratic Party of Germany) 193 seats DIE LINKE (‘The Left’) 64 seats Alliance 90/The Greens 63 seats * including 29 additional ‘balance seats’ (13 CDU, 10 SPD, 4 Die Linke, 2 Alliance 90/The Greens, 0 CSU) 631 seats*

6 Political representatives President of the Bundesrat Stanislaw Tillich President of the Bundestag Prof. Norbert Lammert Federal Chancellor Dr Angela Merkel Federal President Joachim Gauck President of the Federal Constitutional Court, Prof. Andreas Voßkuhle Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Frank-Walter Steinmeier

7 International Role of Germany  Founding member of the European Union  largest economy in the EU (4 th largest in the world)  Member of many other international organisations  UN, NATO, OSCE, World Bank, IMF etc.  Committed partner in UN peace missions  Provider of assistance in economic, environmental and humanitarian disasters  Supplier of more than €10 billion in official development aid per year

8 Germany in the EU

9 Germany in the United Nations

10 Living in Germany

11 Culture Worlds biggest book fair in Frankfurt Carnival Berlin International Film Festival Goethe & Schiller Museum Island in Berlin Oktoberfest

12 Sightseeing Unesco World Heritage Middle Rhine Valley Brandenburger Tor Berlin Schloss Neuschwanstein RömerFrankfurt SemperoperDresden

13 Food Weißwurst +Brezel Currywurst + Pommes Bratwurst + Sauerkraut Döner Kebap Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte

14 Thank you! Dr. Lukas Wasielewski Press and Public Relations Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany ul. Jazdów 12 00-467 Warszawa Tel. +48 22 5841 730

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