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A situation Imagine I am in a shop now. I want to buy the shirt I saw yesterday. However, someone has bought the shirt. A shop-assistant says: “We have.

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Presentation on theme: "A situation Imagine I am in a shop now. I want to buy the shirt I saw yesterday. However, someone has bought the shirt. A shop-assistant says: “We have."— Presentation transcript:

1 A situation Imagine I am in a shop now. I want to buy the shirt I saw yesterday. However, someone has bought the shirt. A shop-assistant says: “We have imported a lot of new kinds of shirts recently. Would you like to see?”


3 Work in pairs and work out the structure of the present perfect

4 Form: have/has + V Eg: She has bought the shirt. have/has not + V Eg: She hasn’t bought the shirt. have/Has +…+ V Eg: Has she bought the shirt? 3/ed + - ?

5 We use the 1.To show that something happened at some point in the past before now. We don’t state when it happened. Eg: I’ve collected plenty of information. (at some point before now and I will use it to write my essay)

6 2.To talk about a present situation which started in the past, usually with for/since Eg: I have worked really hard for 2 weeks (I’ve worked hard till now) + for with a length of time (eg. for two hours, for three days, for six months) + since with a point in time (eg. since Monday, since ten o’clock, since I was four) We use the I have worked really hard for 2 weeks

7 3. To talk about st that happened at an unstated time in the past but is connected to the present Eg: He has broken his leg, so he can’t play tennis. You’ve broken this watch. (It’s not working now) We use the

8 3. To talk about a time period that is not finished (eg. Today, this week) I’ve written a rough plan this morning. (it is still morning) We use the

9 Present perfect vs past simple Present perfectPast simple Links the past with the present: I’ve made quite a lot of notes. (at some time before now and I may make more notes) Only talk about the past: I made notes on the most important things. (I did the reading and I’ve finished making notes)

10 Present perfect vs past simple Present perfectPast simple Does not talk about a specific time in the past: Have you read this storybook? (at some time before now) States a specific past time, or the time is understood: I read this storybook when I was in the library. (I’m not in the library now and the reading is finished)

11 Present perfect vs past simple Present perfectPast simple Uses time expressions that show the time period is unfinished: I’ve read six storybooks this week. (the week is unfinished) Uses time expressions that show the time period is finished: I read five storybooks last week. (last week has finished)

12 Exercises

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