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Repin Igor, School 47, Ryazan, 2011. The president of the USA is the head of the executive power, or the Chief Executive, and his office is one of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Repin Igor, School 47, Ryazan, 2011. The president of the USA is the head of the executive power, or the Chief Executive, and his office is one of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Repin Igor, School 47, Ryazan, 2011

2 The president of the USA is the head of the executive power, or the Chief Executive, and his office is one of the most powerful in the world. Under the Constitution he must “take care, that the laws be faithfully executed.” In addition he has important legislative and judicial powers.. The official residence and office is in the White House, Washington, D.C The president must be at least 35 years old, a resident of the country for at least 14 years and a national born citizen. He is elected to a four-year term. The 22 nd Amendment to the Constitution limited the Presidency to no more than two terms.

3 Washington the first President of the USA He was among those who wrote the USA Constitution. ( George 1789-1797

4 John Adams The second president of the USA. 1797-1801

5 Abraham Lincolnt The 16 th American President He was the tallest president He had to lead the country through the four terrible years of the Civil War. 1861- 1865

6 Ulysses S. Grant H e was 18th President of the United States (1869–1877) as well as military commander during the Civil War.

7 Theodore Roosevelt He was the 26th President of the United States Roosevelt was the first president to be seen riding in an automobile in public 1901–1909

8 Franklin D. Roosevelt The 32 nd American President. He was the only president who served three terms.(1933- 1945 ) He served his country during the second World War.

9 John F. Kennedy The 35 th American President. He was the youngest person ever elected president. 1961-1963

10 Richard N. Nixon He was the 37th President of the United States He was the only President to resign from office. Nixon approved a secret bombing campaign of North Vietnamese positions in Cambodia

11 Ronald W. Reagan He was the 40th President of the United States (1981–1989), the 33rd Governor of California (1967– 1975) and prior to that, a radio, film and television actor.

12 George W.H. Bush He is an American politician who served as the 41st President of the United States. He was a pilot during the second World War. 1989-1993

13 William Clinton He is an American politician who served as the 42nd President of the United States (1993– 2001). Inaugurated at age 46, he was the third-youngest president. He took office at the end of the Cold War, and was the first president of the baby boomer generation.

14 George W. Bush He is an American politician who served as the 43rd President of the United States from 2001 to 2009.

15 Barak Obama The first black President of the USA. 2008

16 Internet resources Literature BaranovaL.S., Kozikis D.D. Hello, America!- Minsk: “Vysheishaya shkola”, 1997

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