Kapi’olani Community College Art 249 Interface Design 2 In-class Presentation Week 2A.

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1 Kapi’olani Community College Art 249 Interface Design 2 In-class Presentation Week 2A

2 Art 249 :: Interface Design 2 :: Week 2 :: A In-class Presentation :: Examples  Light Maker site  http://www.lightmaker.com/ http://www.lightmaker.com/  Visual vocabulary article for Interface architecture and interface design  http://www.jjg.net/ia/visvocab/ http://www.jjg.net/ia/visvocab/

3 Art 249 :: Interface Design 2 :: Week 2 :: A In-class Presentation :: Today’s Agenda  Today we will quickly go around the room and discuss everyone’s plans for the site that they will plan, design, and build for the entire semester by taking a quick look at the creative briefs.  Examples:  site maps and maps  Lesson:  site maps and page maps

4 Art 249 :: Interface Design 2 :: Week 2 :: A In-class Presentation :: Calendar Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 HW - options for your site are due. HW - creative brief is due. HW - site map and page maps are due. NO CLASS - LABOR DAY Lesson: HW - 3 home pg. comps - round 1 - due. INTRO DAYCRITIQUE WORK DAY CRITIQUE

5 Art 249 :: Interface Design 2 :: Week 2 :: A In-class Presentation :: Lesson  Some tips for drafting your site map and page maps  Sketch first!!!  Make multiple sketches.  Think about usability concerns such as:  The navigation & categories – should certain items be moved around, renamed, etc.  Naming conventions  Consider working in either Power Point or Illustrator  Consider using power point’ss built-in organization chart diagram feature for speed.  Only your site map needs to be digital. Your page maps can be analog (sketches). If you choose to submit your sketches, please scan them and post them on your web site as images.

6 Art 249 :: Interface Design 2 :: Week 2 :: A In-class Presentation :: Assignment  Site map and page maps  purpose/objective:  To organize the structure and layout of your client’s website without the constraints of any design elements.  To create reference materials for client signoff.  To experiment with user interface combinations prior to designing in Photoshop.  assignment: Use your research data and preliminary sketches to create detailed and presentable page maps and a site map.  Site map  1 page; digital only.  Page maps  1 page per sub page (depends upon your site); analog or digital – your choice.  format: Post a link to either the images (gifs or jpegs) or the power point document off your main class web page before class begins. due next class: 8.30.06


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