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Biased total mass of CC galaxy clusters by SZE measurements Andrea Conte Astronomy PhD, XXIII Cycle “Sapienza” University of Rome. School of Astrophysics.

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Presentation on theme: "Biased total mass of CC galaxy clusters by SZE measurements Andrea Conte Astronomy PhD, XXIII Cycle “Sapienza” University of Rome. School of Astrophysics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biased total mass of CC galaxy clusters by SZE measurements Andrea Conte Astronomy PhD, XXIII Cycle “Sapienza” University of Rome. School of Astrophysics "Francesco Lucchin" X Cycle, III Course - Bertinoro, May 24- 29, 2009

2 2 Andrea Conte - Biased total mass of CC galaxy clusters by SZE measurements Outline Brief introduction to the Sunyaev Zel’dovich Effect, SZE as mass finder and its assumptions, Discussion on the ICg properties: electron number density electron temperature SZ flux simulations for two ICg templates: cool core and isothermal  model, Bias on the cluster total mass.

3 3 Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect SZE is the comptonization of the CMB photons by high energy electrons of the ICg. The scattering processes produce photons’ energy change. (Sunyaev & Zel’dovich, 1980) ~ 218 GHz SZT SZK SZ Andrea Conte - Biased total mass of CC galaxy clusters by SZE measurements

4 4 SZ as mass finder Andrea Conte - Biased total mass of CC galaxy clusters by SZE measurements SZE Properties: unique spectral shape redshift independent  electron pressure in cluster atmospheres Xrays Cosmology: H 0  B evolution of abundance of clusters T CMB (z) Galaxy clusters Physics:  optical depth T e electron temperature v pec peculiar velocity M cluster total mass (Carlstrom et al., 2002) (Luzzi, …, Conte et al., in preparation) (Mohr and Carlstrom) SZ as mass finder: large galaxy clusters’ surveys self-similarity scaling laws

5 5 Electron Number Density The parameterized model usually employed to study cluster physics is the isothermal  model Andrea Conte - Biased total mass of CC galaxy clusters by SZE measurements The  model density distribution is integrated to get the projected X-ray surface brightness profile. (LaRoque et al., 2006) Central excess emission not correctly described (Mohr et al., 1999) If t cool < t H the ICg can “cool” e “flow” towards the cluster center. The density increases in the cluster core (in contrast with the hydrostatic model) and the gas temperature exhibits a maximum at ~2r c and then it drops down to the center. (LaRoque et al., 2006) (Cavaliere et al., 1976)

6 6 Electron Temperature ( Conte et al. in preparation) There is not a uniquely defined average cluster temperature, it depends on the method used to extract this quantity (e.g. spectroscopic, emission weighted, gas-mass weighted). Andrea Conte - Biased total mass of CC galaxy clusters by SZE measurements Following self-similarity studies, ten CC clusters from a Chandra sample have been selected. The composite radial temperature profiles is shown, after scaling the temperature and the radii, opportunely. (Bonamente et al., 2006, Morandi et al., 2007)

7 7 Analysis: MCMC SZE measurements can enhance or hide the presence of a cluster cool region. Andrea Conte - Biased total mass of CC galaxy clusters by SZE measurements Hydrostatic equilibrium within the chosen overdensity ( Conte et al. in preparation) isothermal  model CC model

8 8 142 GHz ( Conte et al. in preparation) Analysis: SZ signal Estimation of the CMB temperature distortion due to the SZE, for the two cluster models: Andrea Conte - Biased total mass of CC galaxy clusters by SZE measurements several fovs used to convolve the map (@142 GHz)

9 9 Analysis: SZ signal Andrea Conte - Biased total mass of CC galaxy clusters by SZE measurements Estimation of the CMB temperature distortion due to the SZE, for the two cluster models: MAD (Multi Array of Detectors) experiment spectral frequencies (142, 217, 269, 353 GHz) 3x3 array of bolometers. ( Conte et al. in preparation)

10 10 Conclusions Andrea Conte - Biased total mass of CC galaxy clusters by SZE measurements Different results for different instruments: small fov allows a better description of the cluster physics (ACT, SPT, APEX-SZ), large fov hides the presence of the cooling flow and yields an incorrect interpretation of the detected signal or wrong assumptions on the cluster physics (Planck), small fov and large surveys (SAGACE) cluster total mass is biased by the different assumption on the physics of the ICg, accurate cluster temperature profiles are needed to correctly estimate the total mass bias, the final goal is to carefully apply scaling laws in presence of CC clusters. (isothermal  model of the ICg)

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