Noel-Ann Bradshaw University of Greenwich Using screencasts to promote understanding and active learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Noel-Ann Bradshaw University of Greenwich Using screencasts to promote understanding and active learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Noel-Ann Bradshaw University of Greenwich Using screencasts to promote understanding and active learning

2 Outline My motivation Why screencasts? Software iPad PC Examples Feedback Data Conclusion

3 Concern Students wanting model solutions to tutorial questions. Regurgitated in coursework and exams Bypassed their thinking Couldn’t solve slightly different questions

4 Operation Research key course Contains PDP content Growing area for graduate jobs Growing area for placements Understanding content very important.

5 University T&L conference 2012 Flipping the classroom – Andrew Douch eLearning conference

6 Software iPad Vittle PC Camtasia Graphics tablet SmoothDraw Or Microsoft Surface Pro


8 Examples – these will be shown Extra information to explain why different answers are correct. Talking over a pdf to explain why how to do a particular question. Explaining exam questions and a process that student frequently misunderstand Explaining how to use specialist software.

9 Student Feedback ‘As if the teacher was right in front of you – improved my understanding of how to answer the questions’. ‘Really useful for working through something at your own pace – you can pause and repeat it etc’. ‘Clear and concise – I could watch it numerous times’. ‘These really helped – I wish every lecturer did these!’

10 Student Feedback ‘As if the teacher was right in front of you – improved my understanding of how to answer the questions’. ‘Really useful for working through something at your own pace – you can pause and repeat it etc’. ‘Clear and concise – I could watch it numerous times’. ‘These really helped – I wish every lecturer did these!’

11 Student Feedback ‘As if the teacher was right in front of you – improved my understanding of how to answer the questions’. ‘Really useful for working through something at your own pace – you can pause and repeat it etc’. ‘Clear and concise – I could watch it numerous times’. ‘These really helped – I wish every lecturer did these!’

12 Student Feedback ‘As if the teacher was right in front of you – improved my understanding of how to answer the questions’. ‘Really useful for working through something at your own pace – you can pause and repeat it etc’. ‘Clear and concise – I could watch it numerous times’. ‘These really helped – I wish every lecturer did these!’

13 A Course results Exam results improved enormously - mean rose from 54% to 69%. Student feedback extremely positive. Lots more students wanting to take up placements / careers in Operational Research.

14 Reflection and Report Writing Last year created mp4s on reflection and report writing. Low expectations Last attempt at encouraging maths students to reflect Exceptional results – marks improved enormously Almost all students understood the basics of reflection and how to structure a report.

15 Data Data collected on screencast views and attainment will be discussed and presented at the conference and these slides updated afterwards.

16 Conclusion Used this technique to encourage students to think. Used to emphasise skills such as reflection and report writing. More recently have used this and similar techniques to address employability skills.

17 Useful weblinks General info on screencasts Vittle SmoothDraw Camtasia

18 References Douch, A., 2012. Using Technology to Humanise the Learning Experience. EDU Blog. [online] Available at: douch/ [Accessed 18 June 2013] douch/ Smith, C., 2013. Screencasting. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 June 2015]

19 Question Time Thank you for Listening

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