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Illustrator Art Week 8 July 1-3,2013 In order to improve children’s language and presenting skills, we made a series of activities about illustrator art.

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1 Illustrator Art Week 8 July 1-3,2013 In order to improve children’s language and presenting skills, we made a series of activities about illustrator art. To build their language skills, we plan to enhance their foundation of descriptive vocabulary by play “color spray painting and sock painting” and set “Dino Trackers” for the sensory table. Not only improving their verbal skills, but also provide them a chance to try a small public speaking, we design a story book creation activity in this week’s small group. To make children as a good listener and being friendly to each other, we plan to do a home made ice cream cooking activity because children can improve their listening skills by follow a complicated directions and use nice words when share cooking tools with each other. Moreover, we hope the “ice cream shop” activity will make children practice their communication skills by pretending different roles in the shop. A dream ice cream shop was set up in the back of the room. Children improved their communication skills by playing different roles in the shop. Ivy (44months) and Lyrie (69months) played as customers of the ice cream shop and they ordered strawberry and vanilla ice cream. Aine (43months)played a waitress. She was really busy around in the shop because she not only needed to make ice cream, but also help the customers order food, pay the bill, and clean the tables. In this week’s water day, we painted on a big white bed sheet using hands, feet, spray bottles and brushes. Adam(36months) tried all the painting tools. He put his feet into paint then he kicked on the white sheet. He also tried the brush, he dipped his brush into pink and green, then drew a long line across the sheet. Ivy (44months)and Aine (43months) sprayed the water color on the sheet and when I took out the color paint, Ivy dipped her hands into the paint and wiped her hand on the sheet. The home made ice cream cooking activity went smoothly and successfully. Almost all children joined in this cooking activity. Even though the instructions are complicated, children followed the instructions really carefully and did a good job sharing cooking tools and waiting for turns. Katie (58months) made her ice cream and said “it tastes good!” This week, each child had an opportunity to make their own story book. Both Harper (54months) and Lyrie (69months) wrote some words under their photos. When we went to the duck pond, each child got a chance to share or show their book to others. In the Katie's (58months) story book, she not only put herself in the story, but also included Marcus(58months) in her book as well. Lyrie shared her book too. She said “Love, school, happy, the end.” Kinley (47months) chose not to read her book, but she showed us her illustrations. For the circle time, we read a book named How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon? Also we sang two different dinosaurs songs which children pretended to be dinosaurs to ate food, take rest, roar… Dinosaurs have been a common play theme in our classroom. “ Dino Tracker” was a scientific activity for children because it contained a chemical reaction. We put white baking soda powder in the discovery table and mixed the water color with the vinegar. When children used small droppers drop the vinegar on the soda powder, it bubbled. Ivy (44months)tried all the color vinegar, and she was excited when she saw the bubbling, and she said “ See! It’s bubbling!” Katie (58months) liked the smell of the vinegar. She said it smells like candy! SE.1.5 Pretend to do something or be someone SE.1.10 Show affection for an imaginary character or plaything. FA.1.67 Use different colors, surface textures, and shapes to create form and meaning. ELA.3.50 Tell simple story from pictures and book ELA.3.41 watch and listen to a story to completion or for ten or more minutes SC.1.52 Observe and describe properties of objects. SC.1.36 Following a moving object or person with eyes. Chen He Ball State University FCFC 465 Practicum Preschool Summer 2, 2013

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