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Culture and spatial planning LLP seminar and briefing.

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Presentation on theme: "Culture and spatial planning LLP seminar and briefing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Culture and spatial planning LLP seminar and briefing

2 Why do you need to know? Culture central to creating sustainable communities; in regeneration and growth areas Spatial planning is about ‘place making’ Infrastructure planning and provision [good quality local services ] are key to this Total place and CIL

3 Why do you need to know The need to encourage cultural activity relevant to all types of local authorities and regions Benefits: social inclusion; health and well being; economic benefits, community cohesion Strategic response has been through the Living Places Partnership through agreement on culture and sustainable communities [2006]

4 The Culture and Sport Planning Toolkit On line April 2009 Updates every six months Covers arts/culture, libraries, archives, sports, as well as design and heritage

5 Spatial planning Mayors spatial plan at strategic level Local development frameworks at borough level LDFs are a spatial expression of SCS LDFs have a role in delivering LAA/MAA

6 LDF Core strategy Is a means for ‘..orchestrating the necessary social, physical and green infrastructure required to ensure that sustainable communities are created’ Effective planning for infrastructure is a a ‘test of soundness’ of the LDF Effective = a common evidence base, deliverable outcomes, defining how partners are involved. CIL a tool to assist delivery with standard charges for infrastructure associated with development

7 Cultural infrastructure Toolkit defines this as Libraries Archives Museums/galleries Arts buildings including theatres and education, performance and rehearsal space for arts Public art and public realm, sport and recreation covered by links to allied sites

8 Infrastructure planning Process [ see PAS The Steps Approach to Infrastructure Planning] 14 pilots, including one London Borough [Ealing] Working through LSP Join their web community

9 The PAS process asks What is being delivered now, where, costs, suitability Transformation: what can be combined; run differently? Acceptable standards and any deficits Priority delivery programme in 5 year slices Infrastructure schedule for LDF or CIL

10 What Living Places has to assist Information, guidance and advice Newly developed space and cost benchmarks for assessing cultural provision locally, backed by ACE and MLA Proposed standard charges for negotiation with developers, funders and other agencies A new input to section 106 and supplementary planning documents, CIL, local tariff development, for bids to Central Government etc

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