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UVIS Calibration Update Greg Holsclaw Jun 16, 2014 1.

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Presentation on theme: "UVIS Calibration Update Greg Holsclaw Jun 16, 2014 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 UVIS Calibration Update Greg Holsclaw Jun 16, 2014 1

2 Outline Calibrations since the last meeting Future calibrations Status of new calibration routine PDS User’s guide update Cube generator issue A DAPS note Revisiting Europa data 2

3 Calibrations since the last meeting Standard calibration using Alp Vir / Spica – EUV2014_131_12_23_43_UVIS_204IC_ALPVIR001_PRIME – FUV2014_131_12_23_43_UVIS_204IC_ALPVIR001_PRIME 3

4 Comparison of two most recent standard calibrations This shows the total signal on the detector as a function of star image row position Blue is most recent, red is preceding observation No change in response 4

5 Future calibrations SteFFl + Standard: – UVIS_207IC_SPICARAST001_PRIME, 2014-223T11:30:00 (start) Standard: – UVIS_214IC_ALPVIR001_PRIME, 2015- 102T01:25:00 (start) 5

6 Calibration schedule Recall the nominal cadence is two standard calibrations/year and one SteFFL/year. 6 Standard+ SteFFL Standard

7 Status of new calibration routine A few days are needed to finalize the new calibration routine There have been distractions from other projects, but I hope to have this completed within a month. 7

8 PDS User’s guide Recall that the units specified in the PDS calibration matrix labels were incorrect The following items are from version 3 UVIS calibration label file: – CORE_NAME = RAW_DATA_NUMBER – CORE_UNIT = KILORAYLEIGHS Updated to: – CORE_NAME = INVERSE_SENSITIVITY – CORE_UNIT = KILORAYLEIGHS*ANGSTROM**-1*COUNT**- 1 Chapters 1, 3, and 4 of the UVIS user's guide have been updated to reflect this change Lyle Huber assures me that once the web links are updated, it will become available publicly 8

9 Some DAPS notes Previously, DAPS was only usable with the Safari browser, and not with FireFox (at least on my mac) After upgrading to Java 7.60, DAPS now works fine with FireFox but I am unable to save data using Safari 9 Reported to Dave Judd

10 Cube Generator issue We recently encountered an issue where cube generator crashes IDL. It seems to be related to ICY, the SPICE toolkit for IDL. Mac OSX 10.7 and above requires a patched version of ICY, available from here: – ip ip This update is described here (entry at 9/26/11): – Using this version of ICY (1.6.6) has resolved the issue with cube generator. 10

11 Cassini-UVIS targeted observations of Europa during the Jupiter flyby

12 XUV2000_366_06_35_04 Occultation slit for both channels. Binning: 1x1 Rows: 25-39 Integration: 1185 sec EUVFUV Source appears to fill all 15 rows (15mrad). No evidence of a subpixel (point) source. Row 5 clearly erroneous in both channels, never seen before. No clear evidence of the EUV mesa.

13 XUV2001_006_07_19_48 Low-res slit for both channels. Binning: 1x1 Rows: 0-63 Integration: 1000 sec Source appears to fill 15 rows, 20-35 (15mrad). No clear evidence of a subpixel (point) source. EUV mesa clearly present. EUVFUV

14 EUV FUV Here, the 2001-006 spectra have been reduced in magnitude by a factor of 5. 2001-006 FUV has been multiplied by lens transmission. Because the occ-slit is 4x wider than the low-res slit, the 2001- 006 spectrum is ~20x brighter (assuming the slit is filled by the source). Spectral signature of the EUV mesa appears to be present in 2000-366 data.

15 EUV FUV Here, the 2001-006 spectrum has been smoothed to match the resolution of 2000-366. 2001-006 FUV has been multiplied by lens transmission. The spectral content of the two observations is very similar.

16 FUV occultation lens transmission

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