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Unit2 Project 南京市秣陵中学 田雯. Do you know this girl?

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Presentation on theme: "Unit2 Project 南京市秣陵中学 田雯. Do you know this girl?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit2 Project 南京市秣陵中学 田雯

2 Do you know this girl?

3 Do you think happiness lies in the past or in the future?

4 1. He thinks the happiest of his life were his old days. 2. He was so eager to grow up that he had a lot to worry about when he was young. Golden days F F 3. In the writer’s opinion, health plays an important role in a person’s happy life. 4. He can stay cheerful because he can still play sport when he was getting old. T F

5 My future happiness 1.The writer is an old lady. 2.She thinks her happiest days will be in the future with new technology and without war, pollution or hunger. 3.The writer thinks that teenagers can ’ t do things like adults because they have to work hard at school, doing or learning things.

6 Competition: Which team can be the best one? Read the two passages in three minutes, and get as much information as possible.

7 1.Is the writer old or young? 2.What time does the writer consider to be the happiest of his life? 3. which does the writer think is an important part of happiness? The writer is old His school days Good health. Golden days

8 4.The writer:______________________________ 5.His happiness lies:________________________ 6.His reasons:_____________________________ _______________________________________ 7.His idea of good health:____________________ old in the past 1. He didn't have any worries and could spend all day with his friends.2. All he had to do was go to school and spend a few hours studying after school.3. His parents took care of everything important.4. At the weekends, he could see friends, visit his grandparents, read books and play sport.5. He didn’t need to think about problems at work or worry about income or family. an important part of happiness

9 8. What will guarantee people’s health and happiness in the future? 9. what problems people can’t solve now? Because there will be automatic kitchens to cook instant meals for us in the future. It is technology that will guarantee people’s health and happiness in the future. 10.What else makes the author spend less time doing housework? There are problems like war, pollution and hunger. My future happiness

10 11.The writer:______________________________ 12.Her happiness lies:_______________________ Her reasons: _______________________________________ ________________________________________ 13.Her opinion of being an adult: ________________ _________________________________________ young in the future 1.She can see herself successful in her job and surrounded by her family. 2.People will be healthier and live longer because of new technology. 3. People will only work four hours on weekdays, and all the jobs will be interesting. 4. Robots and computers can do many things for people, especially all the boring things. 5. The family members can spend more time together. more mature and be able to make her own decisions and do the things she enjoys.



13 Retelling (pair work) Suppose you are grandparent and grandchild, exchange your ideas on happiness according to the passages.

14 Appreciate a poem Happiness is a cup of water when dying of thirsty. Happiness is a loaf of bread when starving to death. Happiness is a feel of hunger when find nothing tasty. Happiness is a look of smile when taking the last breath.

15 Homework 1.Recite the poem 2.Do the exercise on page 113


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