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Chocolate fudge Written by: Ben Illustrated by: Google images.

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1 Chocolate fudge Written by: Ben Illustrated by: Google images

2 How to make chocolate fudge Ingredients 2 cups sugar, 25g butter, 1/2 cup milk, 1 tablespoon cocoa, 1/8 teaspoon vanilla essence. Directions 1.Comb all ingredients into a saucepan exept vanilla essence 2.gently bring to a light boil and stir occasionally 3.after approximately 20 minutes start testing the fudge by dropping a little bit into a glass of water, if it forms a soft ball then it is ready. 4. remove from heat add vanilla and beat until thick. Pour into dish and leave to set. Cut once set with a knife under cold water and there you have some fudge

3 Is chocolate fudge good for you? Umm well no I don't expect that much sugar for you would be healthy but it sounds delicious. Who invented fudge? Fudge history before 1884 is unclear but fudge was thought to be an American invention. What are the main types of fudge? The main types of fudge are chocolate, banana, caramel, there is even Irish fudge the types of fudge are endless.

4 When was fudge invented American folk lore has it that fudge was invented in the united states more than 100 years ago. Thanks for watching

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