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Big Game Animals By: Dustin Carnahan. Objectives explain why it is important for an individual to accurately identify land animal species; Identify Texas.

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Presentation on theme: "Big Game Animals By: Dustin Carnahan. Objectives explain why it is important for an individual to accurately identify land animal species; Identify Texas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Game Animals By: Dustin Carnahan

2 Objectives explain why it is important for an individual to accurately identify land animal species; Identify Texas Big Game Animals

3 Moose Very large hoofed mammal. Brown 6 ft tall. Habitat: Northern US and Canada in forest regions Herbivores, Breeding in early fall. Twin calves. 1000 lbs and massive antlers

4 Caribou It’s a medium sized Its brown with a white rear end and stands between 5.5 to 7.5 feet with 5 inch tail the bulls may weigh up to 300 lbs. Habitat: Canada, Alaska, Russia, & Northern Europe (Arctic Region) It eats grasses it lives 6 to 8 years.

5 Bison Large hoofed mammal chocolate brown coat that is 10 feet long and 6 feet tall they can weigh up to 900 lbs but some have been found larger. Live in North America (Great Plains region) Herbivores.

6 Big Horned Sheep Large curly horns, brown in color, average 250 lb. Habitat- Mountains Feeding Habits- Herbivores, 12- 14 years old, give birth to single lamb, breed in Nov. and Dec.

7 Mountain Lion Large, long tailed cat that is tan to grayish in color Forests, mountains and deserts Carnivore: Feeds on smaller mammals and white-tailed deer

8 Black Bear 5 to 6 feet tall, average weight 300 to 600 lbs. Habitat: swamps, bogs, forested areas and mountains. Carnivore: Feed on insects and large mammals, berries life span in wild 12 to 15 years.

9 Texas Big Game Animals

10 Elk Massive antlers 6 or more points reddish brown with dark brow neck Habitat: mountains, meadows, foothills, Trans- Pecos region in TX Eat: grass, forbs, bark and brush carry 8.5 months 8 to 14 yrs old

11 Whitetail Deer They vary in size Raises tail, when in danger. Habitat, forests, woods, and river bottoms. Herbivores eat grasses, shrubs, and fungi. East TX and the Hill Country

12 Mule Deer Medium to large hoofed animal, that have reddish coat in winter and a blue grayish color in the summer Habitat: forest, desert shrubs, chaparral, grasslands, plains, foothills and river bottoms Herbivorous- eats forbs, browse, shrubs, twigs, and some grasses Trans- Pecos region of TX

13 Pronghorn Antelope Tan, with horns and white rump patch. Habitat: prairies, plains, and adapt well. Herbivores, eat sagebrush and grasses. Breed in October and Nov. and conceive 7 to 8 months later. Central TX

14 Javelina Medium sized animal, resemble pigs Social animals, Herds of 8-9 Omnivores: eat small animals, roots, fruit, grass and seeds West TX

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