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Workshop on Enhancing the Horn of Africa Adaptive and Responsive Capacity to Climate Change Impacts 27-28 November 2014, Nairobi Kenya Group Number 3 Presented.

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1 Workshop on Enhancing the Horn of Africa Adaptive and Responsive Capacity to Climate Change Impacts 27-28 November 2014, Nairobi Kenya Group Number 3 Presented by

2 What do we know about what works and what doesn’t? What works.  Ecosystem based approaches.  All activities in adaptation should be participatory, inclusive and transparent to allow for ownership by communities. -Must also include information sharing.  Use programs that work e.g FMNR  Integration of indigenous and scientific technologies  Sharing climate data in a systematic way and developing skills of farmers to interpret and use the data. -Need to expand the tools of data collection on climate change adaptation  Demonstration of good practice to farmers for them to learn  Integrated approaches to climate adaptation  Ensure community participation in adaptation efforts  Simplified technologies and knowledge to the farmers What doesn’t work.  Un-defined roles and goals among stakeholders to avoid duplication of efforts  Use of inappropriate technologies that damage ecosystems  Expensive technologies and that relieve labour and are cost effective.  Lack of skills for new technologies and unsustainability of these technologies  Prescribed solutions to communities  Uncoordinated communication among technocrats on what is being done. Workshop on Enhancing the Horn of Africa Adaptive and Responsive Capacity to El Nino Impacts

3 What institutional, organizational, and other enablers and barriers exist that facilitate or hinder integrated programs that would address El Nino and La Nina impacts in the region Institutional barriers  Similar responsibilities are assigned to different departments hence difficult to communicate the data.  Need to have joint platforms for participation of all stakeholders to concretize and disseminate the information to relevant e.g. Ethiopian system  Need for more research and what is available shared  Lack of political will to act in the region. Need to encourage response that is equivalent to the magnitude of disasters..  Reactionary approach to responding to disasters. Enablers  Existence of disaster management institutions and processes.  Inclusiveness of all gender and youth in disaster management  Coordination of responses by all stakeholders  National policy on disaster management and the structures in place to implement these policies Workshop on Enhancing the Horn of Africa Adaptive and Responsive Capacity to El Nino Impacts

4 What policies could facilitate efforts to strengthen resiliency in the region?  Disaster management policies in countries and within the region.  Centralized and isolated implementation of policies hence need for integrated approaches to curb such disasters.  Need to institutionalize the collection and dissemination of data into synchronized and coordinated information sharing. Workshop on Enhancing the Horn of Africa Adaptive and Responsive Capacity to El Nino Impacts

5 What no regret adaptation solutions (especially ecosystems based adaptation solutions) can be put in place immediately with special reference to the evolving 2014 El Nino to avoid water and food insecurity, disease, livestock losses, infrastructural damages and a whole range of other impacts?  Climate Smart agriculture  Technologies that restore ecosystems e.g. Furrow  Solutions with a human face and integrating all participants with a sense of ownership to the communities  Adopting successful pilot programs should be encouraged  Avoid maladaptation to promote indigenous technologies.  Plan for non-Elnino disasters  Organized collection and dissemination of information on adaptation.  Important to have action plans and contingency plans based on possible scenarios and have scales and ways to implement the plans  Use of information technology for information and knowledge sharing Workshop on Enhancing the Horn of Africa Adaptive and Responsive Capacity to El Nino Impacts

6 What is needed to guide mobilization of governments, private sector, communities and persons to action to response before the crisis turns into a disaster?  Coherent information and data.  Concrete evidence in figures beyond qualitative reports  Encourage Political will  Encourage more forums for information and knowledge sharing including all stakeholders.  Encourage partnerships with each other  Need for institutions/consortiums to gather stakeholders in an organized manner  Use of satellite photos and information to get a clear idea of the progress on ground.  Work closely with regional organizations to facilitate coordination at a regional level.  Involve the media and arts industry in disseminating information and knowledge. Workshop on Enhancing the Horn of Africa Adaptive and Responsive Capacity to El Nino Impacts

7 Workshop on Enhancing the Horn of Africa Adaptive and Responsive Capacity to Climate Change Impacts 27-28 November 2014, Nairobi Kenya Presented by ….

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