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T HE C ARTER P RESIDENCY Iran Hostage Crisis Camp David Accords.

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1 T HE C ARTER P RESIDENCY Iran Hostage Crisis Camp David Accords

2 T HE C ARTER P RESIDENCY Tried to give a tone of democratic simplicity to his administration. He developed a reputation for putting important proposals before Congress then failing to follow up on them.

3 A N ATIONAL M ALAISE Malaise = A general feeling of discomfort and unhappiness. Cater believed a “moral and spiritual” crisis had depleted people’s energies and undermined civic pride. Many companies had become big and complacent Worker boredom lowered productivity and increased absenteeism. On an average day at GM in 1970, 5% of the workforce was absent without an explanation and on Mondays and Fridays that figure rose to 10%.

4 T HE E CONOMY : S TAGFLATION Stagflation =High inflation combined with high unemployment Carter had promised to fight inflation by reducing government spending and balancing the budget and to stimulate the economy by cutting taxes. In typical fashion, did not press hard for these measures. 1971 inflation was 5% 1975: 11% 1979: peaked at 13% Unemployment ranged from 6 to 10%

5 C OLD W AR OR D ÉTENTE Camp David Accords September 1978 Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachim Begin came to U.S. at Carter’s invitation to seek a peace treaty ending the state of war Conferred at Camp David for two weeks Israel promised to withdraw from territory captured from Egypt in the 1967 war and Egypt became the first Arab country to recognize Israel as a state.

6 T HE I RAN H OSTAGE C RISIS : O RIGINS January 1979: Revolution in Iran overthrows the shah of Iran with Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. November 4, 1979: 400 armed Muslim militants broke into the American embassy in Tehran, Iran, and took everyone hostage. Outcome: negotiations for 444 days result in the release of hostages on January 20, 1981.

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