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Unit 2 Word power Going on an adventure holiday Unit 2 Word power Going on an adventure holiday.

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2 Unit 2 Word power Going on an adventure holiday Unit 2 Word power Going on an adventure holiday

3 Let’s enjoy some pictures. And give us the names of the places.























26 Question How many different places can you get from the pictures?

27 The Great Wall

28 The Forbidden City

29 颐和园 the Summer Palace

30 The West Lake

31 The Yellow River 黄河 黄河

32 the Landscape of Guilin 桂林山水

33 The Yellow Mountain

34 The Three Gorges Dam 三峡大坝

35 If you have a good chance to travel, where will you go? What will you take, if possible?

36 others … food money mobile phone digital camera Perhaps, you’ll take…

37 What to take Why Task1—read & answer Part A

38 What to takeWhy to take them The items Colin wants to take on his holiday life jacket pan boots extra clothes to go white-water rafting to cook food to travel in the mountains to keep warm in the mountains tent sleeping bag to sleep in to keep warm

39 Are these enough for an adventure trip? Look at Part B on page 26, and learn more items. Part B

40 Do you know the names of these items? Task2—look & say

41 backpack 背包

42 map 地图

43 towel 毛巾

44 compass 指南针

45 water purifying tablets 净水药片

46 waterproof matches 防水火柴

47 flashlight 手电筒

48 candles 蜡烛

49 pocket knife 万能刀 / 多用刀

50 What do we often put in the first-aid kit? Bandage 绷带 scissors 剪刀 cotton balls 棉球 medicine 药

51 Guess 1 Guess 2 Guess 3 Guess 4 Guess 5 Guess 6 Words Guess

52 towel flashlight water-proof matches 1 2 3

53 tent sleeping bag 1 2

54 n c d l a s e candles

55 compass It has one or two hands. It is usually round. It was first made in China. It is an instrument for showing direction.

56 camera It is made of plastics or metal. It comes in different colors and shapes. People often have it on their travels. It is used for taking photos.

57 pan pocket knife Life jacket 1 2 3

58 Let’s play a guessing game again! Rules: work in pairs!( 两个一组 ) 1.You can speak English but you must not mention (提到) the word. You can use your body language. 2.Your team members can not tell, or the mark will be your opponents’( 违反规则对方得分 ). A B C D

59 book medicine

60 food pan

61 money boots

62 scissors water purifying tablets

63 As time is limited, you can take only one item. Remember it’s an unknown island. No one knows what we are going to face. But we should live on. Which one do you want to take? Why? To survive

64 1.A whole life is a trip. 人生就是一场旅行。 2.To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive, and the true success is to labor. 怀着希望去旅行比抵达目的地更愉 快;而真正的成功在于工作。 Proverbs

65 Homework 1. Review the words we learned today. 2. Finish Part C on Page 27

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