X-rays in the COSMOS A picture of large scale structures Nico Cappelluti Nico Cappelluti MPE-Garching MPE-Garching In collaboration with: XMM-COSMOS team:

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1 X-rays in the COSMOS A picture of large scale structures Nico Cappelluti Nico Cappelluti MPE-Garching MPE-Garching In collaboration with: XMM-COSMOS team: Hasinger, Böhringer, Brusa, Comastri, Fiore, Gilli, Brunner, Civano, Elvis, Finoguenov, Guzzo, Griffiths, Mainieri, Miyaji, Scoville, Silverman, Vignali, Zamorani+CCOSMOS members

2 HST ACS PI: N. Scoville Cosmos Survey 2 deg 2

3 1900 PL source >150 Groups All AGN with z XMM-Newton 55 Fields: 1.5 Ms PI: G. Hasinger

4 XMM+Chandra COSMOS The inner part of the field has been covered by 1.8 Ms Chandra observation (the largest guest observer Chandra project, P.I. M.Elvis). The inner part of the field has been covered by 1.8 Ms Chandra observation (the largest guest observer Chandra project, P.I. M.Elvis). Another ~1000 faint sources not seen by XMM-Newton. Another ~1000 faint sources not seen by XMM-Newton. Central area of 200 ks average depth. Central area of 200 ks average depth. High precision positioning --> better identification of XMM-COSMOS AGN (see Brusa). High precision positioning --> better identification of XMM-COSMOS AGN (see Brusa).

5 Better detection of compact diffuse sources (see Alexis). Better detection of compact diffuse sources (see Alexis). Better detection of AGN in Cluster Better detection of AGN in Cluster Excellent export of MPE ML-detection Excellent export of MPE ML-detection

6 Source population Type I source cluster at soft colors Type I source cluster at soft colors Emission line and absorption line galaxies occupy the region of absorbed sources Emission line and absorption line galaxies occupy the region of absorbed sources 2% sources Compton Thick candidates (Pink AGN) 2% sources Compton Thick candidates (Pink AGN) HR1=(MED-SOFT)/(MED+SOFT)‏ HR2=(HARD-MED)/(HARD+MED)‏

7 LogN-logS XMM-COSMOS Large area + depth = Low Sample (Cosmic) Variance  Tight constraints to the logN- logS parameters  Argument in favor of obscured sources as main component of the XRB  X-ray source catalogue soon public

8 Angular correlation function Fit range 0.5-24 arcmin Fit model: γ=1.8 fixed; θ o ~2”-4” Limber’s equation: We obtain r 0 =9-10 Mpc in the three energy bands It is a measure of the mean angular source overdensity field Courtesy T. Miyajii

9 Imaging Large scale structures ACF does not say where the clustering takes place. ACF does not say where the clustering takes place. One can compute a spatially resolved ACF. One can compute a spatially resolved ACF. WARNING!! The significance of the structures has to be evaluated WARNING!! The significance of the structures has to be evaluated

10 Cluster-AGN Cross-Correlation in the NEP Survey Is an elegant way to determine the average profile of AGN around clusters using the 2 point correlation function formalism First detection of z-space clustering of AGN around galaxy clusters >3σ. Limitations: Low statistics, broad PSF, low sensitivity

11 CCF in XMM-z COSMOS 98 clusters 650 AGN Measurement in real-space clustering significant at r>0.4 Mpc r 0 ~8 Mpc Hamana et al. 2002 DM ACF COSMOS No Evidence for an enhanced AGN evolution in clusters as claimed by Eastmann+07 Need widest field to eventually detect an evolution (i.e. eROSITA)‏ ξ gg (r) = b 2 ξ mm (r)‏

12 AGN Galaxies Sanchez+05 WORK IN PROGRESS CLUSTER-GALAXIES CCF (B. James & J. Peacock) Direct measurement of effects of the environment on AGN activity Decrease of AGN activity in Clusters -b AGN (z=0.38)=2.04±0.42 -Lower bias  Lower probability of forming an AGN in clusters Systematic effect?

13 CCF as f(Lx)‏ Not enough data to observe a dependence of clustering on Lx Red Log(Lx)>43 Black Log(Lx)<43

14 Convert  (r,z) to  8,AGN (z): the rms fluctuation in the 8h -1 Mpc sphere. Comparison on the common ground. Comparison with  8 D(z) mass distribution from the linear theory with WMAP  8 =0.74. Bias parameter of the X-ray AGN distribution b AGN (z)=  8,AGN (z) /  8 D(z)‏ Bias vs Dark Matter Halo mass from Sheth et al. 2001. Density fluctuations and bias l Log(M/M ☼ )= 14 Log(M/M ☼ )=13 Courtesy T. Miyaji Log(M/M ☼ )= 14 Log(M/M ☼ )= 13

15 Still to do.... Insert Chandra positioning Insert Chandra positioning Use all the sources with a z (~2000)‏ Use all the sources with a z (~2000)‏ Cross correlation as f(Richness) using zCOSMOS groups Cross correlation as f(Richness) using zCOSMOS groups Impact of AGN overdensity to ICM.... Contribution to non thermal emission in Clusters? Impact of AGN overdensity to ICM.... Contribution to non thermal emission in Clusters?

16 CONCLUSIONS XMM-COSMOS provides an unbiased sample of AGN XMM-COSMOS provides an unbiased sample of AGN Source content consistent with the current picture of the XRB Source content consistent with the current picture of the XRB AGN are physically clustered around galaxy clusters AGN are physically clustered around galaxy clusters AGN at high-z are highly biased tracers of the Large Scale structure. AGN at high-z are highly biased tracers of the Large Scale structure. AGN, according to the their bias trace, DM halos of AGN, according to the their bias trace, DM halos of Log(M/M ☼ ) ~13 Though denser than in the field, is AGN activity less likely in very high density environments? Though denser than in the field, is AGN activity less likely in very high density environments? eROSITA do it better! eROSITA do it better!

17 Log(M/M ☼ )= 14 Log(M/M ☼ )= 13 2dF QSOs Environment and evolution Low-L AGN (COSMOS, X-ray deep surveys): Number density peaks at z=0.5-1 Triggered by minor mergers? within a group of galaxies, Log(M)13-14 Waiting for the massive halos (groups) to form, the number density peaks later in the history of the universe. High-L AGN (optical): High-L AGN (optical): Peak at z=2-3, Triggered by merging? of low mass DM halos LogM=12 (galaxy scale) in a smaller universe with higher chance of merging.

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