THE AGE OF EXPLORATION Countries began to explore as a way to increase trade and to spread Christianity there were developments in technology that helped;

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Presentation on theme: "THE AGE OF EXPLORATION Countries began to explore as a way to increase trade and to spread Christianity there were developments in technology that helped;"— Presentation transcript:

1 THE AGE OF EXPLORATION Countries began to explore as a way to increase trade and to spread Christianity there were developments in technology that helped; maps, compass, lateen sail

2 Bartholomeu Dias In 1488 he sailed around the Cape of Good Hope

3 VASCO DaGAMA He was the first to sail to India Set up a Portuguese trade empire 1510 Goa became the capital of Portuguese colonies in Asia


5 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS He was one of the earliest to explore to the west in 1492 he landed in the West Indies He died believing he had reached India



8 FERDINAND MAGELLAN He was the first to sail around South America His crew made it around the world


10 Negative results of exploration Small pox wiped out entire tribes Europeans introduced alcohol to the natives (they have no tolerance for it) took over lands changed people’s way of life

11 Positive results of trade People became wealthy due to trade port cities grew in importance and wealth trade with colonies brought raw materials needed for the Industrial Revolution Matteo Ricci and other missionaries spread Christianity

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