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Newspaper Ownership How do a few companies control so much news output? Starter Activity: Why is it potentially dangerous to have lots of different news.

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Presentation on theme: "Newspaper Ownership How do a few companies control so much news output? Starter Activity: Why is it potentially dangerous to have lots of different news."— Presentation transcript:

1 Newspaper Ownership How do a few companies control so much news output? Starter Activity: Why is it potentially dangerous to have lots of different news sources owned by the same person? Your answer: Because they will have ultimate control over what the media says about various topics and be biased in their approach. Corruption and political power can be created as the media can change public opinion of events, issues and even the law.

2 Activity: follow the link in each box and make a list of which British Newspapers each company owns. The Daily Mail The Mail on Sunday The Metro Ireland on Sunday The London Evening Standard Australia published by News Limited which includes: The Australian The Courier-Mail

3 Definition Hunt: Find the definitions of these words and describe them in your own words. Conglomerate: Oligopoly: Concentration of ownership: Horizontal integration:

4 Activity: 1. If you owned a newspaper, how would you be able to help control which politicians got elected? 2. Why would this be greatly helped if you owned lots of newspapers? 3. When Tony Blair was in power, one of his most powerful employees was his Press Secretary, Alastair Campbell. Why do you think he was so important? 4. What other companies does Rupert Murdoch own that could help a political party get elected?

5 Generating Revenue The Times newspaper charges £2 per week to view its online content. What are the advantages and disadvantages to the newspaper of doing this? Advantages: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Disadvantages: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

6 £££ What other ways can newspapers make money?

7 Past Paper Questions for Ownership, Control and Finance: 1.What is meant by the term ‘concentration of ownership’ when talking about the media industries? Give an example from one of the industries you have studied. (2 marks) 2.Encouraging consumers to pay for additional content is one way in which media producers raise revenue. Give two examples of this, one from each of the media industries you have studied. (4 marks)

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