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ESSA Preparation What does a good extended response look like?

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Presentation on theme: "ESSA Preparation What does a good extended response look like?"— Presentation transcript:

1 ESSA Preparation What does a good extended response look like?

2 Writing shows your understand  Many of you have a deep understanding of science.  Your teacher knows this when you discuss science in class.  However, your writing needs to show everything you know. This includes relationships and connections between the things you know.  You need to know how to use the right words so that your writing truly reflects what you know.  Many of you have a deep understanding of science.  Your teacher knows this when you discuss science in class.  However, your writing needs to show everything you know. This includes relationships and connections between the things you know.  You need to know how to use the right words so that your writing truly reflects what you know.

3 Burning magnesium  Your teacher will demonstrate burning a magnesium strip.

4 Burning magnesium  Answer these questions by replying on Edmodo  Describe what happens to the magnesium in this video.  Explain the changes that occur to the magnesium in this video.  Answer these questions by replying on Edmodo  Describe what happens to the magnesium in this video.  Explain the changes that occur to the magnesium in this video.

5 Different levels of answers  In ESSA your answers will be marked on how scientific they are.  There are 4 levels of answers: 1.Common sense 2.Answer has 1 piece of scientific information 3.Answer has 2 or more pieces of scientific information 4.Answer is a SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION  In ESSA your answers will be marked on how scientific they are.  There are 4 levels of answers: 1.Common sense 2.Answer has 1 piece of scientific information 3.Answer has 2 or more pieces of scientific information 4.Answer is a SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION This is the level you should aim for

6 Burning magnesium Common sense answer Describes what happens to the magnesium in the video. The strip burns brightly. It also melts down and bends. Explain the changes that occur to the magnesium in the video. There is a chemical change from the oxide that covers the magnesium. The physical change is from the strip turning to ash. This answer has no scientific information. It just mentions a chemical change, which any person can say. It doesn’t say WHY it is a chemical change.

7 Burning magnesium Answer has 1 piece of scientific information Describes what happens to the magnesium in the video. It lights up and leaves white powder. Explain the changes that occur to the magnesium in the video. When magnesium burns, it dissolves in fire and turns to a white powder. It is a chemical change where you can no longer revert it back to the original state. This answer has 1 piece of scientific information – that chemical change is when you cannot reverse the reaction easily.

8 Burning magnesium Answer has 2 or more pieces of scientific information Describes what happens to the magnesium in the video. In this reaction, the oxygen is combined with magnesium and this burns the substance. This results in a white powdery substance being formed. Explain the changes that occur to the magnesium in the video. When the magnesium is burnt, it gives off a white light. When the magnesium is burnt a chemical reaction occurs, making the magnesium into a different substance. This answer has 2 pieces of scientific information – that oxygen combines with magnesium to make a new substance, AND that making a new substance is a sign of a chemical reaction.

9 Burning magnesium Answer is a scientific explanation Describes what happens to the magnesium in the video. When the magnesium burns, a bright blinding light is given off. Indicating a chemical change has taken place. Explain the changes that occur to the magnesium in the video. When magnesium is burnt a chemical change occurs. A chemical change is a change that means a new, irreversible substance has been formed. This answer is a SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION because it links cause and effect. The answer says that when the magnesium burns it gives off light and this indicates it is a chemical change. It then says the magnesium burning IS a chemical change and gives details that when a chemical change happens a new, irreversible substance is formed.

10 You need to use the right language to make sure you show ALL of your understanding.  Notice that it the last answer the student used linking words like:  When  Indicating  Other linking words you can use are:  As a result  Consequently  Therefore.  Notice that it the last answer the student used linking words like:  When  Indicating  Other linking words you can use are:  As a result  Consequently  Therefore. The magnesium is burnt and gives off a bright light as a result of this burning. Consequently this shows us that a chemical change has taken place.

11 Use scientific language  In every extended response question, make sure you use scientific language like:  Chemical change  Irreversible  New substance  Chemical reaction  In every extended response question, make sure you use scientific language like:  Chemical change  Irreversible  New substance  Chemical reaction

12 ESSA practice  Work in pairs  You will get 3 sets of ESSA questions and answers. Note that these answers are real students answers so ignore spelling and grammatical mistakes.  Work out which answer goes with which level. Make sure both of you agree with the decision.  Take a photo of each completed sheet and upload it onto Edmodo.  Work in pairs  You will get 3 sets of ESSA questions and answers. Note that these answers are real students answers so ignore spelling and grammatical mistakes.  Work out which answer goes with which level. Make sure both of you agree with the decision.  Take a photo of each completed sheet and upload it onto Edmodo.

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