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Scientific Visualization January 25, 2006 Open position Computer Technician  in-store and on-site services  represent the company in a professional manner.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Visualization January 25, 2006 Open position Computer Technician  in-store and on-site services  represent the company in a professional manner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Visualization January 25, 2006 Open position Computer Technician  in-store and on-site services  represent the company in a professional manner

2 Agenda MSDNAA - should received email from Microsoft that gives their passwords. Then connect to http://msdn08.e-, or can link to that page from the CSCI academic departmental web page to download software. (note: Microsoft Office is not included in this software, though Access is)http://msdn08.e- Review Homework - due tonight  Brainstorm ideas for group project. Every person in the class should bring a storyboard (digital or paper - template) to next week’s class 1/25/06 for their groups’ 3 modules. In other words, 3 storyboards per student.template

3 Agenda Homework  Read next two chapters in Tufte  Quiz next week on Chapters 1-3 in Tufte. Particularly think about how Tufte can be applied in What is Haze and GUI applications.

4 Agenda Homework  Individual homework assignment due next week: create a Flash animatic for one of the modules. Publish the flash file in HTML and SWF.  File / Publish Settings Select the Formats tab. Check Flash and HTML and set file names to animatic.swf and animatic.html. Select the HTML tab. For dimensions, select Match Movie; for playback uncheck Loop; for quality, select High. Select Publish. Sftp the HTML and SWF files to your Sites directory (folder) on the mmas server. Test your link. where yourLogin is your login name.

5 Animatic This is equivalent to a rough draft. Poses, layout, and the soundtrack are put together on a timeline. This will give you a template from which to put together your animation. This defines the animation’s timing. Sample Animatics from CS/MMAS 310  Greg Bliss Greg Bliss  Amanda Amanda Remember: 20 seconds of animation. Your animatic should be 20 seconds in length.

6 Getting Started in Flash Create a new Flash file.  File / New Set document properties so that the stage size is 706x566 pixels.  Modify / Document Set the background to some color other than white (so the clouds show). Use library from WhatIsHaze1Overview.fla  File / Import / Open External Library

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