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OVERVIEW… WHAT’S INVOLVED?  Sample Size  Sampling Randomization  Demographics **  Methodology **  Question **  Sampling Error (calculate?) **

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Presentation on theme: "OVERVIEW… WHAT’S INVOLVED?  Sample Size  Sampling Randomization  Demographics **  Methodology **  Question **  Sampling Error (calculate?) **"— Presentation transcript:

1 OVERVIEW… WHAT’S INVOLVED?  Sample Size  Sampling Randomization  Demographics **  Methodology **  Question **  Sampling Error (calculate?) **

2 DEMOGRAPHICS  Who will you interview/try to interview?  What questions (and how many) will you ask them?  Fewer increases accuracy, especially in a smaller sample  More allows for more nuanced analysis

3 METHODOLOGY   Sample questionnaire & make own spreadsheet  Will they record selves or group reads and records  Language  Who will approach?  Who will record?

4 QUESTIONS  Topic  Wording—biased wording slants opinions…  Are school lunches bad? Should school lunches be improved? Do you like school lunches?  What area are you interested in? (Beware of measuring “non- opinions”)  How many choices will you give?  Fewer increases accuracy, especially in a smaller sample  More allows for more nuanced analysis

5 MARGIN OF ERROR  Compare and contrast polls  Some survey results that get reported are based on a “poll of polls,” where multiple polls are averaged together. Prominent sites that engage in this practice are FiveThirtyEight (, Real Clear Politics ( ) and the Cook Political Report (

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