Two paths diverge in the lectures 2 Think of the first as concepts, the second as capabilities This ClassPrinciplesDoing stuff.

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Presentation on theme: "Two paths diverge in the lectures 2 Think of the first as concepts, the second as capabilities This ClassPrinciplesDoing stuff."— Presentation transcript:


2 Two paths diverge in the lectures 2 Think of the first as concepts, the second as capabilities This ClassPrinciplesDoing stuff

3 Today – they are merged 3

4 As experienced Lightbot hackers 4

5 Agent, Instructions, Intent 5

6 Sequencing 6

7 Instructions formed of simpler instructions 7 An Instruction abstracts those steps

8 Abstraction 8

9 9

10 Functions package computation 10

11 The function becomes a concept 11 Process stairs F1 Move to next staircase Process a stairs F1 Move to next staircase Process a stairs F1

12 A five instruction program 12 Is that beautiful, or what?

13 Here is what is beautiful … 13 To a programmer the instruction is monolithic (one thing) To an agent each instruction is a series of steps Slide 7 Slide 12 F1( ): Process Stairs F2( ): Move To Next Staircase It is one concept here (monolithic, but here it is a series of eight instructions

14 Abstraction … 14

15 Keep using abstraction … 15 It only simplifies our thinking; the bot still does all the work

16 Who is M.C. Escher? … 16


18 The function is just the packaging 18

19 Summary from Lightbot 2.0 19

20 What if … 20

21 Per Bot: Operation and Function 21 GreyBot.Left GreyBot.Jump GreyBot.Power BlueBot.Right BlueBot.Step

22 Per Bot: Operation and Function 22

23 Activity – programming w/ words

24 Example

25 Repeat operations


27 Step Jump Jump Step Left Power Step Power Step Power Step Jump Jump Step Left 3:(Power Step) SJJSL 3:(PS) Step Jump Jump Step Right 5:Step Power SJJSR 5:S P 7:(Step Power)R S R 7:(Power Step) 7:(SP)RSR 7:(PS)

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