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Accountability Pillar: Continuous Improvement – School Improvement Detail.

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Presentation on theme: "Accountability Pillar: Continuous Improvement – School Improvement Detail."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accountability Pillar: Continuous Improvement – School Improvement Detail

2 Accountability Pillar: Inclusive Education – Inclusive Education

3 Accountability Pillar: Preparation for Lifelong learning, World of Work, Citizenship – Citizenship Detail

4 Accountability Pillar: Safe and Caring Schools – Safe and Caring Detail

5 Accountability Pillar: Student Learning Opportunities - Program of Studies Detail

6 Accountability Pillar: Student Learning Opportunities – Education Quality

7 Advocacy at School Students respond to 3 questions about whether they have someone at school who consistently provides encouragement and who can be turned to for advice; Scores are assigned based on the following scale: Never: 0 - 3.33 Once a Week: 3.34 - 6.67 2 to 3 Times a Week: 6.68 - 9.99 Almost Every Day: How often does someone at your school do each of the following? (Never, Once a Week, 2 to 3 times a Week, Almost Every Day) My teachers show interest in my school projects. My teachers ask me about how well I am doing at school. My teachers encourage me to do well at school.

8 Advocacy outside of School Students respond to 5 questions about whether they have someone at home or in their community who consistently provides encouragement and who can be turned to for advice. The data are scaled on a 10- point scale. How often does someone in your family or community do each of the following? Ask me how well I am doing with my school work. Talk to me about any problems I might have at school. Ask me how well I am getting along with kids at school. Show interest in my school projects. Encourage me to do well at school.

9 Anxiety The OurSCHOOL measure is comprised of the following set of statements that ask students: We would like to know how you think and feel about certain things. I worry about what other students think about me. I am too fearful or nervous. I worry about people laughing at me. I worry about a teacher asking me a question. I worry more than most kids. I am afraid that other students will think I am stupid.

10 Aspirations - College or University

11 Aspirations - Finish High School

12 Aspirations - Pursue Trade

13 Bullying, Exclusion, and Harassment

14 Depression

15 Effective Learning Time The questions for each subject area are: Teachers are good at explaining difficult ideas. Teachers use our class time to help us learn. Class lessons are well organized. Teachers help us understand important ideas. Important ideas are taught well. Responses to students' questions are clear.

16 Effort The questions for each subject area are: I try hard to succeed in [the subject area]. I ask for help when I do not understand a concept or idea. I participate in class discussions.

17 Expectations for Success

18 Feel Safe Attending this School The three Likert questions are: I feel safe at our school. I feel safe on my way to school. I feel safe on my way home from school. The 6 Yes/No questions asked "During the past 4 weeks, have the students: been in a physical fight at school? stayed home from school because you felt unsafe? given money to someone because they have threatened to hurt you? seen a fight on school property in which someone got hurt? heard a student make threats to hurt another student? had something stolen at school?

19 Homework Behaviour

20 Interest and Motivation The questions for each subject area are: I spend a lot of time day- dreaming, socializing, or pretending to pay attention. I enjoy learning new concepts and ideas. I enjoy our class projects so much that often I do not want to stop. I wish we did not have to take [the subject area]. I enjoy [the subject area] classes so much that I lose track of time. I find myself thinking about what we are learning even after the lesson is over.

21 Language Arts

22 Math

23 Science

24 Participate Clubs

25 Positive Behaviour at School

26 Positive Learning Climate In our school.... Students are quiet when they should be. Teachers do not let us fool around in class Teachers have control of the class. I know what the class rules are. Students behave in class. Willms (2004) found that youth in Canada and the United States tend to have better academic achievements in schools with high levels of classroom disciplinary climate. (see s/sp/lp/publications/2004- 002611/SP-601-05-04E.pdf)

27 Positive Relationships Students respond to 4 questions about their friendships at school. The results are reported as "the percentage of students with positive relationships“. Do you have close friends at school that you can trust? I talk to a friend at school about my feelings I get along with others at school. I listen to my friends when making decisions.

28 Positive Teacher-Student Relations

29 Relevance The questions for each subject area are: We explore ideas and topics that are meaningful. We cover topics that are useful in everyday life. I know the purpose of what we are learning.

30 Rigor

31 Self Esteem

32 Sense of Belonging

33 Skills (Grades)-Challenge

34 Students respond to a subset of questions, from a full set of 9 Likert questions, regarding the extent to which they feel challenged in their language arts, mathematics, and science classes. Students are only asked questions about subjects they are currently enrolled in. Students' skill level is assessed based on their current or most recent overall mark per subject area. Based on their responses, students are classified into four groups: "low skills - high challenge", "high skills - high challenge", "low skills - low challenge", and "high skills - low challenge". The results are reported as a two-by-two table showing "the percentage of students in each of the four quadrants". Results are not broken down by subject area except by special arrangement. The challenge questions for each subject area are: We would like you to think about the [the subject area] classes you have had over the past two weeks. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Think carefully about whether you agree or disagree with each statement, because some are worded positively while others are worded negatively. I get bored in class because lessons are too easy. [the subject area] classes are challenging. We deal with difficult material in (the subject area) classes.

35 Truancy

36 Values School Outcomes Value School OutcomesThe OurSCHOOL measure of Value School Outcomes is based on on the following set of questions: Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: What I am taught at school is important. Doing well in school is important for when I grow up. What I am learning in Math is important. What I am learning in Language Arts is important. What I learn at school is useful in my everyday life.

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