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DESSERT Skill Study Competence: Art and Tourism Skill Program competence: Culinary Skill Competence: Cookery Standard Competence: Processing continental.

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Presentation on theme: "DESSERT Skill Study Competence: Art and Tourism Skill Program competence: Culinary Skill Competence: Cookery Standard Competence: Processing continental."— Presentation transcript:


2 DESSERT Skill Study Competence: Art and Tourism Skill Program competence: Culinary Skill Competence: Cookery Standard Competence: Processing continental dishes Basic Competence : Preparing Dessert

3 Dessert is a dish that served after main course as closing dishes. Dessert is commonly sweet food and fresh, but sometimes salty or combination. A. Meaning of Dessert

4 Function of dessert in courses as fresh dishes or sweet food eaten at the end of a meal (main course) which sometimes has putrid taste and also queasy relief.

5 At beginning, dessert served only fresh fruits without processing. Along with the growth of era, dessert begin to make variation by taking basic of some cakes, pie, ice cream and so on which combine with sauce or fruits.

6 Kinds of dishes which used as dessert can be served separately. Such as the tea dish as snack, petit four and others.

7 Function of dessert in courses as fresh dishes or sweet food eaten at the end of a meal (main course) which sometimes has putrid taste and also queasy relief.

8 1. Cold Dessert Dessert served at cold temperature 2. Hot dessert B. Kinds of Dessert

9 1.Cold Dessert Dessert that served at cold temperature and its possible in processing through heating process before serving in cold, by put into refrigerator. Dessert serving in cold temperature must be served in cold temperature and also the serving tools.

10 2.Hot Dessert This dessert served at hot or heat temperature, final process of this dessert must be hot before served. Hot dessert serving must be hot or heat and also the tools serving.

11 Development of dessert influenced by development period that change the ways society life become modern society and glamorous. This condition dare cooks to find, create and make variation, creative, interested and delicious dessert. C. Classification of Dessert

12 Several kinds of dishes classified as dishes that can be served for dessert. 1. Fruits a.Fruit is one of flexible food that used as the ingredient for making dessert. b.Fruit served in fresh or by processing. If served freshly such as fruit slice and simple arranged

13 c.bentuk segar atau melalui proses pengolahan. Jika disajikan secara segar. d.dapat berupa buah iris (fruit slice) yang disusun secara sederhana.


15 2. Pudding Pudding as dessert with sweet taste made of agar-agar. But there kinds of pudding is not made from agar-agar, it made from egg and cornstarch.

16 Kinds of Pudding

17 a.Pudding Agar-Agar Pudding agar-agar made from agar-agar and served chilled because of freezing process. In making this pudding agar-agar must be boiled well. If we want clear pudding the boiling done slowly use low fire until slow boiled. Pudding agar-agar variation got by ingredients adding such as milk, egg, essence, pengaroma, and fruits.

18 b. Starch Thickened Starch Thickened known as Boiled Puddings, because Starch Thickened use cornstarch which need boiling process in order to get ripen the starch thicken. The ingredients for making Starch thickened are milk, sugar, essence, and thickened substance.

19 c. Baked Puddings Baked pudding yang menggunakan teknik olah bake (panggang) atau lebih tepatnya adalah au bain marie dengan bantuan oven. Teknik au bain marie dalam pembuatan pudding ini sangat penting karena akan membentuk tekstur yang lembut, lembab dan halus, jika hanya dipanggang saja akan membuat pudding menjadi kering dan berkerak.

20 d. Steamed Pudding This Pudding use steaming technique. Texture of this pudding weight and full of filling and served warm, hence European make and serve this pudding in winter only.

21 e. Cake Cake served as dessert is a cake but the portion and its serving should be paid attention. In serving cake as dessert can be added sauce, syrup, ice cream, cream, fruits as complementary or garnish.

22 f. Choux paste Choux paste is kinds of pastry from liquid dough which shaped by spet and baked at high temperature till rise maximally. Choux paste served by giving feeling before that is vla (pastry cream) or butter cream by adding tasty or fruits.

23 g. Pie Pie comes from sugar dough which getting thin/flat and shaped as bowl. Feeling used is fruits pastry cream and sponge, pie served at cold and hot temperature.

24 h. Ice cream Ice cream is product which is fond of by all age. Ice cream is a dish that have a lot of variation. Can be served without pendamping. Kinds of pendamping which served with ice cream are cream, biscuit, fruits, meringue, cake, syrup and chocolate.

25 i.Coupe Coupe is ice cream or shorbet by giving variation with fresh fruits j.Sundaes Sundaes is ice cream which poured chocolate above. Because of the price of chocolate expensive at that time so, only on Sunday the ice cream served.

26 k. Peach melba Using vanilla ice cream cut a half and poured with melba sauce. Melba sauce made of puree candied raspberry and garnished by cutting almond. l.Split Using banana Ambon (peeling the banana into two or four parts) or cutting of pineapple ring slices which put on split dish and given ice cream above.

27 m. Baked Alaska Baked Alaska Baked Alaska is good combination between cake, ice cream and meringue. N. Sherbets Basically, is almost same as ice cream, the difference is the ingredients used that is ice, milk added by juice or water.

28 o. Parfaits Parfaits shaped from high plating sundaes with three scopes combination of ice cream. p. Milk Shake Made of ice cream by mixed with milk using shaker or blender.

29 q. Mousses is dessert which has soft texture as foam made from white egg, whipped cream and pengaroma such as chocolate, puree fruits and sometimes added by gelatin. r. Souffle Simple Dish got from white egg then baked using special mold for soufflé which made of ceramic.

30 S. Crepes/ pancake Crepes is liquid dough spread into a pan made of flour and egg and then spread into a pan or frying pan. Crepes can be used as ingredients for making appetizer or dessert.

31 Function of sauce in dessert as tasty and garnish. Sauce classified into 3 (three), that is: 1.Custard sauce Custard sauce is basic in preparing dessert. Custard sauce made from milk, sugar and yolk mixed on low fire until thick and clear and also can flow. D. Sauce Dessert

32 2. Fruit puree Required from fresh fruits or processed fruits then given sugar and added by flavor or spices. 3. Syrup Required from boiled sugar with water or fruits juice added by aroma.

33 In serving dessert has a standard in each serving. The standard can be serving tools or garnish type. Garnish is used specific ingredients. E. Serving and Garnishing Dessert

34 Portion of dessert in one set based on international standard is about 100-200gr F. Portion of dessert

35 G. Serving and Garnishing dessert





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