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STEM CELL TREATMENT IN INDIA Why to chose stem cell treatment in India?

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Presentation on theme: "STEM CELL TREATMENT IN INDIA Why to chose stem cell treatment in India?"— Presentation transcript:

1 STEM CELL TREATMENT IN INDIA Why to chose stem cell treatment in India?

2 What are stem cells?  Stem cells are basic unit cells that develop and differentiate in different forms of cells in order to heal and repair the wound as well as support the growth of the organ.

3 What is stem cell therapy?  Stem cell therapy are given in order to treat the incurable disease like cerebral palsy, brain hemorrhage, liver disease, chronic kidney, multiple sclerosis, parkinsons and many more such chronic disease. Stem cell therapy

4 What happens in stem cell treatment?stem cell treatment  The stem cells from bone marrow can develop into nerve, fat, skin, liver, heart and brain. These stem cell are known as haematopoietic cells gives rise to different red blood cells.  Thus, these stem cells are either put into blood or are transplanted into the damaged tissues mainly from the patient’s own tissues for the self repair or else from that of the siblings.

5 Stem cell treatment in India  Stem cell treatment in India is a growing medical technique progressing mainly in the big cities. More than 200 different types of cells are worked upon. Stem cell treatment in India  Treatment based on stem cell is done in different sessions depending upon the type of disease you are suffering from.

6 Why to chose stem cell treatment in India?  Stem cell treatment in India is the most cost effective treatment  It is progressed in most of the in-house culture lab and is processed under the experienced and expert doctors.

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