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Capstone Design Smart CCC ASAP A person doing a presentation JIN GUK KIM.

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Presentation on theme: "Capstone Design Smart CCC ASAP A person doing a presentation JIN GUK KIM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capstone Design Smart CCC ASAP A person doing a presentation JIN GUK KIM

2 Contents Motivation Theoretical Background Problem Statement Goal Statement Problem Scope Team Gantt Chart Budget Risk Management References

3 요즘 장거리 여행이나 출장 등 집을 오랫동안 비우는 경우가 많아 많은 범죄 가 일어나고 있습니다. 이로 인해 스마트 CCC 를 통해 실시간으로 누군가 집에 침입하면 센서가 인지해 카메라가 작동합니다. 캡쳐된 이미지를 스마트폰으 로 보고 이미지에 수상한 사람이 찍히면 근처 경찰서에 연락할 수 있도록 목 적으로 만든 작품입니다. MOTIVATION

4 Historical Background MOTIVATION IOT content and advertising business has been increasing year by year. We think of any way to incorporate advertising content and IOT.

5  Why the Project is Required - We need to facilitate crime prevention.  Limitation of the Current Technology - It requires fast data processing through the socket. MOTIVATION

6 Ubuntu server Server (golang) GCM ServerMoblie (Android) Raspberry Pi Client (Q’t) Client (Java) GCM client key registeration DB (MYSQL) Push message request Push message send Client key request Rest API Camera module customer Theoretical Background

7 Problem & Goal Statement Problem Statement Goal Statement Data processing is too slow. The fast data processing through the socket.

8 SI P O C Supplier Input Output CustomerProcess -Bluetooth -Rasberry Pi -Python -Java -Database -Andorid -Device Mart -A.S.A.P -Open source -The accuracy of the sensor -socket technology with minimal error -Convenience Base data setting socket, purchase data save break continue connecting NO Yes -A.S.A.P -B2B -B2C Socket programming method using the OpenCV Problem Scope

9 Member KIM JIN GUK The server side using the Raspberry Pi Member LEE JU HYEON Input the advertising using database Director Prof. KimTeam

10 Milestone - Gantt Chart Date Feb.Mar.Apr.MayJuneJulyAug.Sep.Oct. Group and select topic Make a plan Search and collect data Make first report and buy materials Design and make hardware develop software and produce product Announce middle and final report Make prototype Test and analyst data Improve and update product Summit result and conclusion 2 nd schedule1 st schedule 3 rd schedule

11 Budget  Rasberry Pi Kit SET  PIR Sensor  HDMI CABLE  RPI CAMERA 7,454won 70,000won 2,760won Total Budget : 111,914won 31,700won

12 Risk Management ※ Schedule ※ Budget ※ Goal We can interfere with schedule because parts were temporarily out of stock We expect additional costs for this server. Our goal is to reduce the cost and the experimental error in the server as possible.

13 References ograming/Documents/Socket_Sample pdf

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