Control Structures: Conditionals, If/Else and Loops David Millard

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Presentation on theme: "Control Structures: Conditionals, If/Else and Loops David Millard"— Presentation transcript:

1 Control Structures: Conditionals, If/Else and Loops David Millard (

2 Overview Recap ▫Algorithms ▫Modularisation ▫Building Good Solutions Conditions and Logic If / Else structures Loop structures

3 Recap: Algorithms Algorithms are: ▫A Sequence ▫… of finite steps ▫… to solve a problem They can be characterised in a number of different ways (performance, efficiency, reusability, etc.) Complexity is a measure of how long an algorithm will take (or how many resources it might use)

4 Recap: Modularisation Pseudocode ▫High level description of algorithm… ▫… intended for human reading… ▫… but structured like a programming language Modules (subroutines/ functions/ methods) ▫Break down bigger algorithms into chunks ▫Improves Clarity and Reuse Variables and Parameters ▫Are named things with a value (like in algebra) ▫Can make algorithms more flexible ▫Can also improve Reuse

5 Recap: Building Good Solutions From Problem to Solution ▫Identifying Modules Noun Verb Parsing ▫Identifying Noun Verb Phrases ▫Looking for Synonyms ▫Identify Holes (Missing Phrases) Stepwise Refinement – Revise for: ▫Cohesion ▫Coupling ▫Generalisation

6 Control Flow About making your algorithm behave differently according to conditions ▫Branching ▫Repetition Useful to adapt to different contexts… … and to deal with problems and errors

7 Definitions Control Flow (n) “In computer science control flow (or alternatively, flow of control) refers to the order in which the individual statements… of a… program are executed or evaluated. A control flow statement is a statement whose execution results in a decision being made as to which of two or more control flows should be followed” Wikipedia "(Or "flow of control") The sequence of execution of instructions in a program. This is determined at run time by the input data and by the control structures (e.g. "if" statements) used in the program.” “Control flow statements… break up the flow of execution by employing decision making, looping, and branching, enabling your program to conditionally execute particular blocks of code.” Java Tutorial

8 Definitions Control Flow (n) “In computer science control flow (or alternatively, flow of control) refers to the order in which the individual statements… of a… program are executed or evaluated. A control flow statement is a statement whose execution results in a decision being made as to which of two or more control flows should be followed” Wikipedia "(Or "flow of control") The sequence of execution of instructions in a program. This is determined at run time by the input data and by the control structures (e.g. "if" statements) used in the program.” “Control flow statements… break up the flow of execution by employing decision making, looping, and branching, enabling your program to conditionally execute particular blocks of code.” Java Tutorial

9 Definitions Control Flow (n) “In computer science control flow (or alternatively, flow of control) refers to the order in which the individual statements… of a… program are executed or evaluated. A control flow statement is a statement whose execution results in a decision being made as to which of two or more control flows should be followed” Wikipedia "(Or "flow of control") The sequence of execution of instructions in a program. This is determined at run time by the input data and by the control structures (e.g. "if" statements) used in the program.” “Control flow statements… break up the flow of execution by employing decision making, looping, and branching, enabling your program to conditionally execute particular blocks of code.” Java Tutorial

10 Definitions Control Flow (n) “In computer science control flow (or alternatively, flow of control) refers to the order in which the individual statements… of a… program are executed or evaluated. A control flow statement is a statement whose execution results in a decision being made as to which of two or more control flows should be followed” Wikipedia "(Or "flow of control") The sequence of execution of instructions in a program. This is determined at run time by the input data and by the control structures (e.g. "if" statements) used in the program.” “Control flow statements… break up the flow of execution by employing decision making, looping, and branching, enabling your program to conditionally execute particular blocks of code.” Java Tutorial

11 Conditions, Comparison and Logic Comparison ▫Greater than (>) ▫… What else? Logic ▫AND ▫…

12 Conditions, Comparison and Logic Comparison ▫Greater than (>) ▫Less than (<) ▫Equal to (==) ▫Not Equal to (!=) ▫Greater or equal to (>=) ▫Less than or equal to (<=) Logic ▫AND ▫OR ▫XOR ▫NOT

13 Given that the sky is blue, there are lots of birds and not many clouds, which of these is true? ▫Sky == Blue AND Birds > Clouds ▫Clouds == Birds OR Sky == Green ▫Sky != Blue OR Clouds <= Clouds ▫Birds < Clouds OR NOT( Sky == Pink ) ▫Sky != Yellow XOR Clouds <= Birds Conditions, Comparison and Logic = = = = =

14 If / Else Statements Manage branching in your algorithm Do different things according to conditions Example: ▫“If we have a electric kettle then fill it up, plug it in and switch it on. However, if we have a stove kettle then fill it up, put it on the hob and switch the hob on.”

15 If / Else Statements Branching ▫Use conditions to implement choices If (Sky == Blue) then go outside and play EndIf

16 If / Else Statements Branching ▫Use conditions to implement choices ▫Could be alternatives If (Sky == Blue) then go outside and play Else stay in and watch TV EndIf

17 If / Else Statements Branching ▫Use conditions to implement choices ▫Could be alternatives ▫Can be multiple statements If (Sky == Blue) then go outside and play Else drink coffee stay in and watch TV EndIf

18 If / Else Statements Branching ▫Use conditions to implement choices ▫Could be alternatives ▫Can be multiple statements Can string together for many alternatives If (Sky == Blue) then go outside and play Else If (Sky == Black) then go to bed Else drink coffee stay in and watch TV EndIf

19 If / Else Statements Branching ▫Use conditions to implement choices ▫Could be alternatives ▫Can be multiple statements Can string together for many alternatives This nesting can be more complex – creating multiple alternative branches If (Sky == Blue) then If (Birds > 0) then go bird watching Else go outside and play EndIf Else If (Sky == Black) then go to bed Else drink coffee stay in and watch TV EndIf

20 Loop Structures Manage repetition in your algorithm Repeat or not depending on conditions Example: ▫“While the tea is not sweet enough, add a lump of sugar to the cup and stir.”

21 Loop Structures While loops ▫Go around zero or more times while (birds > 0) take a photo flap arms End while

22 Loop Structures While loops ▫Go around zero or more times Do while loops ▫Go around 1 or more times while (birds > 0) take a photo flap arms End while Do blow duck whistle While (birds == 0) Take Photo

23 Loop Structures While loops ▫Go around zero or more times Do while loops ▫Go around 1 or more times For loops ▫Go around n times while (birds > 0) take a photo flap arms End while Do blow duck whistle While (birds == 0) Take Photo For (n = 1 to 10) take photo of sky End for

24 Nested Loops Loops can be nested like if/else statements Different loop types can be nested within one another Loops can nested within other nested loops For (n = 1 to 10) Do blow duck whistle While (birds == 0) While (birds > 0) take a photo flap arms End while End for

25 Nested Loops Loops can be nested like if/else statements Different loop types can be nested within one another Loops can nested within other nested loops ▫And so can if/else statements! For (n = 1 to 10) Do blow duck whistle While (birds == 0) While (birds > 0) If (have camera) take a photo Else watch for a moment EndIf flap arms End while End for

26 ‘While’ != ‘in parallel’ In English we sometimes use while to mean at the same time ▫While Alice wrapped the presents, Bob wrote out the labels In Algorithms we use while to mean do something while a condition is true ▫While there are gifts to wrap, Alice wrap a present, Bob write the label It is common to get these two uses confused, if in doubt remember that the while must contain a condition that evaluates to either true or false

27 Break

28 Exercise “A cinema has an automatic system that sends out news and offers to repeat customers. It goes through the list of customers and checks how many visits they have made in the last few months. They get a 20% voucher if they have visited more than 5 times, or a 40% voucher if they have visited more than 10 times. All customers get a copy of the news, but only customers who are 18 or older get a voucher. The news and vouchers are sent out by email, SMS or standard post depending on the information available for that customer.” Task: Write the algorithm that behaves as described in the text above. Try and write neat Pseudocode. Assume that the cinema can invoke the algorithm at an appropriate time, and that the algorithm takes the number of months as a parameter.

29 Summary Control Flow: ▫The conditional ▫… sequence of execution ▫… of statements Conditions and Logic ▫Comparison: such as equals (==) and greater than (>) ▫Logic: such as AND, OR and NOT ▫Can be combined into powerful statements Using If/Else and Loop Structures ▫If/Else and Loops can be nested ▫Three types of loops  While, Do… while, and For

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